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007 : Agent Under Fire PS2 - FPS n/c 14
007 : Espion Pour Cible PS2 - FPS 2001 14.8
007 : NightFire PS2 - FPS 2002 14.4
007 : Nightfire Game Boy Advance - FPS 2003 13
007 : Quantum of Solace Xbox 360 - FPS 2008 14.2
007 : Quantum of Solace Edition Collector PS3 - FPS 2008 12
007 Legends Xbox 360 - FPS 2012 7.8
007 Legends - FPS 2013 7.5
Alien : Isolation PC - FPS 2014 17
Alien Breed 3D Amiga CD32 - FPS 1995 0
Alien Breed 3D Amiga - FPS 1995 0
Alien Breed 3D 2 : The Killing Grounds Amiga - FPS 1996 0
Alien Isolation - FPS 2014 15.8
Alien Isolation - FPS 2014 17
Alien Isolation PS3 - FPS 2014 16.5
Alien Isolation Xbox 360 - FPS 2014 16
Alien Isolation : Edition Nostromo PC - FPS 2014 0
Alien Isolation : Edition Nostromo PS3 - FPS 2014 0
Alien Isolation : Edition Nostromo - FPS 2014 0
Alien Isolation : Nostromo Edition - FPS 2014 0
Alien Isolation : Nostromo Edition Xbox 360 - FPS 2014 0
Alien Isolation : Ripley Edition PC - FPS 2014 0
Alien Isolation : Ripley Edition - FPS 2014 0
Alien Isolation : Ripley Edition - FPS 2014 0
Alien Isolation : Ripley Edition PS3 - FPS 2014 0
Alien Isolation : Ripley Edition Xbox 360 - FPS 2014 0
Alien Trilogy Playstation - FPS 1996 16
Alien Vs Predator Jaguar - FPS 1994 18
Aliens : Colonial Marines Xbox 360 - FPS 2013 6.4
Aliens : Colonial Marines Edition Collector PS3 - FPS 2013 0
Aliens : Colonial Marines Edition Limitée PS3 - FPS 2013 14
Aliens vs Predator PS3 - FPS 2010 13
Aliens vs Predator Xbox 360 - FPS 2010 13.8
Aliens vs. Predator : Survivor Edition PS3 - FPS 2010 0
Area 51 PS2 - FPS 2005 14.2
Army of Two PS3 - FPS 2008 14.3
Army of Two : Le 40ème Jour PS3 - FPS 2010 10
Bad Company Amiga - FPS 1990 0
Battle Frenzy Mega-CD - Sega CD - FPS n/c 0
Battle Frenzy Mega Drive - Genesis - FPS 1995 0
Battleborn - FPS 2016 11.3
Battlefield 1 - FPS 2016 15.8
Battlefield 2 : Modern Combat Xbox 360 - FPS 2006 15.8
Battlefield 2 : Modern Combat PS2 - FPS 2005 15.6
Battlefield 3 Xbox 360 - FPS 2011 17.6
Battlefield 3 PS3 - FPS 2011 17.8
Battlefield 3 : Limited Edition PS3 - FPS 2011 0
Battlefield 4 Xbox 360 - FPS 2013 0
Battlefield 4 PS3 - FPS 2013 12
Battlefield 4 - FPS 2013 16.4
Battlefield 4 - FPS 2013 16.5
Battlefield : Bad Company Xbox 360 - FPS 2008 17
Battlefield : Bad Company PS3 - FPS 2008 17.8
Battlefield : Bad Company 2 Xbox 360 - FPS 2010 17.7
Battlefield : Bad Company 2 PS3 - FPS 2010 15.8
Battlefield : Bad Company Gold Edition PS3 - FPS 2008 18
Battlefield Hardline PS3 - FPS 2015 12
Battlefield V - FPS 2018 16.5
Battleship Xbox 360 - FPS 2012 0
Battleship 3DS - FPS 2012 11.7
Battleship PS3 - FPS 2012 11
Behind the Iron Gate Amiga - FPS 1995 0
Bioshock Xbox 360 - FPS 2007 18.8
Bioshock 2 Xbox 360 - FPS 2010 17.4
Bioshock Infinite PS3 - FPS 2013 0
Bioshock Infinite Xbox 360 - FPS 2013 19
Black PS2 - FPS 2006 15.3
Blacksite Xbox 360 - FPS 2007 8.9
Blacksite PS3 - FPS 2008 12.2
Bloodshot Mega-CD - Sega CD - FPS 1994 7
Bloodshot Mega Drive - Genesis - FPS 1995 0
Bodycount PS3 - FPS 2011 0
Borderlands Xbox 360 - FPS 2009 16.7
Borderlands PS3 - FPS 2009 16.9
Borderlands 2 PS3 - FPS 2012 17.5
Borderlands 3 - FPS 2019 15.3
Borderlands : The Pre-Sequel PS3 - FPS 2014 15
Brothers In Arms : Earned In Blood PS2 - FPS 2005 14.2
Brothers in Arms : Hell's Highway PS3 - FPS 2008 14.5
Brothers In Arms : Road To Hill 30 PS2 - FPS 2005 15
BulletStorm Full Clip Edition - FPS 2017 16
Call of Duty 2 Xbox 360 - FPS 2005 15.1
Call Of Duty 3 : En Marche Vers Paris Xbox 360 - FPS 2006 14.9
Call of Duty 3 : En Marche Vers Paris PS2 - FPS 2006 15.2
Call of Duty 3 : En Marche Vers Paris PS3 - FPS 2007 15.5
Call of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare PC - FPS 2007 18.3
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Xbox 360 - FPS 2007 17.8
Call of Duty : Advanced Warfare PS3 - FPS 2014 15.8
Call of Duty : Advanced Warfare Day Zero Edition PS3 - FPS 2014 0
Call of Duty : Black Ops PS3 - FPS 2010 17.1
Call of Duty : Black Ops II - FPS 2012 16.5
Call of Duty : Black Ops II PS3 - FPS 2012 15.1
Call of Duty : Black Ops III - FPS 2015 12.6
Call of Duty : Black Ops III PS3 - FPS 2015 8
Call of Duty : Ghosts - FPS 2013 13.7
Call of Duty : Ghosts - FPS 2013 15.1
Call of Duty : Ghosts - FPS 2013 14.8
Call of Duty : Ghosts PS3 - FPS 2013 17
Call of Duty : Ghosts - Edition Limitée... PS3 - FPS 2013 0
Call of Duty : Ghosts Prestige Edition Xbox 360 - FPS 2013 0
Call of Duty : Infinite Warfare - FPS 2016 16.5
Call of Duty : Le Jour de Gloire GameCube - FPS 2004 15.1
Call of Duty : Modern Warfare - FPS 2019 15.7
Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 2 PS3 - FPS 2009 18.3
Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 3 PS3 - FPS 2011 16.4
Call of Duty : Modern Warfare Remastered - FPS 2016 16
Call of Duty : World at War PS3 - FPS 2008 14.9
Call of Duty : World at War PC - FPS 2008 14.2
Call of Duty : WWII - FPS 2017 14.3
Clive Barker's Jericho PS3 - FPS 2007 14.9
Corporation Master System - FPS 1992 17
Corpse Killer Mega-CD - Sega CD - FPS 1994 3
Corpse Killer 32X - FPS 1995 0
Corpse Killer 32X Mega-CD - Sega CD - FPS 1995 10
Crysis 2 PS3 - FPS 2011 15.5
Crysis 2 : Edition Limitée PS3 - FPS 2011 0
Crysis 3 PS3 - FPS 2013 13.5
Crysis 3 : Hunter Edition PS3 - FPS 2013 0
Cyber-Cop Master System - FPS n/c 0
Deamon Summoner PS2 - FPS 2006 0
Death Duel Master System - FPS n/c 0
Death Mask Amiga CD32 - FPS 1994 0
Demain Ne Meurt Jamais Playstation - FPS 1999 13
Demain Ne Meurt Jamais / Le Monde Ne Suffit Pas Playstation - FPS 2009 0
Destiny 2 - FPS 2017 14.5
Destiny 2 : Renégats - FPS 2018 17
Destiny : La Collection - FPS 2016 0
Dogfight! Odyssey - FPS 1972 0
Doom SNES - FPS 1996 11.3
Doom 32X - FPS 1994 13.2
Doom Jaguar - FPS 1994 0
DOOM - FPS 2016 14.3
Duke Nukem : 3D Master System - FPS 1998 0
Enemy Front : Limited Edition PS3 - FPS 2014 5
Enemy Territory : PS3 - FPS 2008 13.5
Evolve - FPS 2015 16.3
Evolve - FPS 2015 14.5
F.3.A.R PS3 - FPS 2011 13
F.3.A.R : Edition Collector PS3 - FPS 2011 0
F.E.A.R. PS3 - FPS 2007 15.8
F.E.A.R. 2 : Project Origin PS3 - FPS 2009 13.8
F.E.A.R. Files Xbox 360 - FPS 2007 13
Far Cry 2 PS3 - FPS 2008 15.3
Far Cry 3 PS3 - FPS 2012 0
Far Cry 4 PS3 - FPS 2014 16
Far Cry 4 : Edition Limitée PS3 - FPS 2014 0
Far Cry : Instincts Xbox - FPS 2005 16.3
Far Cry : Instincts Evolution Xbox - FPS 2006 14.3
Far Cry : Vengeance Wii - FPS 2007 8.6
Fears Amiga CD32 - FPS 1995 0
Gears of War 4 : Ultimate Edition - FPS 2015 0
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 PS3 - FPS 2007 15.8
Gloom Amiga CD32 - FPS 1995 0
Half-Life 2 : Episode One PS3 - FPS 2007 16.5
Half-Life 2 : Episode Two PS3 - FPS 2007 17
Halo 3 : ODST Xbox 360 - FPS 2009 15.8
Halo 4 Xbox 360 - FPS 2012 16.9
Halo 5 : Guardians - FPS 2015 16.1
HALO : The Master Chief Collection - FPS 2014 17.8
Halo Combat Evolved : Anniversary Xbox 360 - FPS 2011 15
Halo Reach Xbox 360 - FPS 2010 18.4
Haze PS3 - FPS 2008 9.9
Hidden & Dangerous PC - FPS 1999 15
Homefront : The Revolution - FPS 2016 10.7
Iron Angel of the Apocalypse 3DO - FPS 1994 0
Killzone 2 PS3 - FPS 2009 17
Killzone 2 : Edition Limitée Collector PS3 - FPS 2009 0
Killzone 3 PS3 - FPS 2011 16.7
Killzone : Shadow Fall - FPS 2013 15.7
King Kong : The Official Game of the Movie PS2 - FPS 2005 15.4
Le Monde ne Suffit Pas Playstation - FPS 2000 14
Legendary PS3 - FPS 2008 11.3
Legendary Xbox 360 - FPS 2008 9.8
Liberation : Captive II Amiga CD32 - FPS 1994 0
Medal of Honor : Avant-Garde PS2 - FPS 2007 11.4
Medal of Honor : Débarquement Allié PC - FPS 2002 17
Medal of Honor : Heroes PSP - FPS 2006 13.8
Medal of Honor : Les Faucons de Guerre PS2 - FPS 2005 13.3
Medal of Honor : Soleil Levant PS2 - FPS 2003 12.8
Medal of Honor : Warfighter PS3 - FPS 2012 13.1
Medal of Honor : Warfighter Limited Edition PS3 - FPS 2012 0
Metro 2033 Xbox 360 - FPS 2010 16
Metro : Last Light PS3 - FPS 2013 0
Metro Last Light : Edition Limitée PS3 - FPS 2013 15
Metroid Prime Hunters First Hunt DS - FPS 2005 15
Mirror's Edge Catalyst - FPS 2016 13
Mission : Impossible - "Expect The... Nintendo 64 - FPS 1998 13
Operation Flashpoint : Red River Xbox 360 - FPS 2011 13.3
Outlast Trinity - FPS 2017 0
Overwatch : Origins Edition - FPS 2016 13
Painkiller : Hell & Damnation PS3 - FPS 2013 0
Prey - FPS 2017 17
Quake Nintendo 64 - FPS 1998 15
Quake 4 Xbox 360 - FPS 2005 13.5
Quake II Playstation - FPS 1999 17
Rage PS3 - FPS 2011 16.2
Red Faction PS2 - FPS 2001 17
Red Steel 2 Wii - FPS 2010 15.9
Resistance 2 PS3 - FPS 2008 16
Resistance 3 PS3 - FPS 2011 15.3
Resistance : Fall Of Man PS3 - FPS 2007 16.4
Resistance : Retribution Collector's Edition PSP - FPS 2009 0
Resistance Retribution PSP - FPS 2009 15
Soldier of Fortune Dreamcast - FPS 2001 17
Soldier of Fortune II : Double Helix Xbox - FPS 2003 12.5
Team Fortress 2 PS3 - FPS 2007 17
Terminator Renaissance PS3 - FPS 2009 9
The Bureau : XCOM Declassified PS3 - FPS 2013 11.5
The Darkness PS3 - FPS 2007 16.7
The Darkness II PS3 - FPS 2012 14.6
The Walking Dead : Survival Instinct - FPS 2013 7.7
The Walking Dead : Survival Instinct PS3 - FPS 2013 4
Titanfall 2 - FPS 2016 14.7
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon PS2 - FPS 2002 11.8
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2 PS2 - FPS 2004 11.7
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon : Jungle Storm PS2 - FPS 2004 12.3
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon : Wildlands - FPS 2017 15.7
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter PS2 - FPS 2006 9
Tunnel B1 Playstation - FPS 1996 0
Tunnel Runner Atari 2600 - FPS 1983 0
Turning Point Fall of Liberty PS3 - FPS 2008 9.3
Undying Mac - FPS 2002 12
Warhammer 40000 : Fire Warrior PS2 - FPS 2003 11.2
Wolfenstein PS3 - FPS 2009 14.5
Wolfenstein 3D Jaguar - FPS 1994 15.5
Wolfenstein 3D 3DO - FPS 1995 0
Wolfenstein : Cyberpilot - FPS 2019 11
Wolfenstein : The New Order PS3 - FPS 2014 14.3
Wolfenstein : The Old Blood - FPS 2015 16
Wolfenstein : Youngblood Edition Deluxe - FPS 2019 14.3
Wolfenstein II - FPS 2017 17.5
Zero Tolerance Master System - FPS 1994 0
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- 32X - 3DO - 3DS - Adventure Vision - Amiga - Amiga CD32 - Amstrad-CPC 464 - Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Apple II - Atari 2600 - Atari 5200 - Atari 7800 - Atari ST - Atari XE - CD-i - Channel F - Colecovision - Commodore 64 - DD64 - Dreamcast - DS - e-Reader - Family Computer Disk System - Game and Watch - Game Boy - Game Boy Advance - Game Boy Color - Game Gear - Game Park 32 - GameCube - Gizmondo - GX-4000 - Intellivision - Jaguar - Jaguar CD - Lynx - Mac - Master System - Mega Drive - Genesis - Mega-CD - Sega CD - MSX - N-Gage - Neo Geo - Neo Geo Pocket - Neo Geo Pocket Color - Neo Geo-CD - NES - Famicom - Nintendo 64 - Odyssey - Odyssey2 - PC - PC-Engine CD Rom - PC-Engine Hu-Card - PC-Engine SuperGrafX - Playstation - Pokemon Mini - PS2 - PS3 - PSP - Saturn - SNES - TI-99 4A - TRS-80 - Vectrex - Videopac - Virtual Boy - Wii - Wonderswan - Wonderswan Color - Xbox - Xbox 360