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000.La SuperGrafx.000 PC-Engine SuperGrafX - Communication 1990 0
000.Les Consoles PC-Engine Hu-Card.000 PC-Engine Hu-Card - Communication 1987 19
000.Tennokoe Bank 1.000 PC-Engine Hu-Card - Accessoire n/c 0
1941 : Counter Attack PC-Engine SuperGrafX - Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 0
4 Nin Uchi Mahjong NES - Famicom - Mahjong 1984 0
A Shadow's Tale 2010 11.6
Adventure Island 1992 12.7
Adventure Island PC-Engine Hu-Card - Plates-formes n/c 0
Adventure Island 3 NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1992 0
Adventure Island : Classic NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1987 10.5
Adventure Island II NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1991 14
Adventure Island II: Aliens in Paradise 1992 0
Adventures Of Dino Riki NES - Famicom - Shoot\'em\'Up 1989 0
Aldynes : The Mission Code For Rage Crisis PC-Engine SuperGrafX - Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 0
Artist Tool PC-Engine Hu-Card - Educatif n/c 0
B.C. Kid 1992 0
Bakushou Yoshimoto no Shingeki PC-Engine CD Rom - Plates-formes n/c 0
Battle Ace PC-Engine SuperGrafX - Simulateur de vol n/c 0
Battle Lode Runner PC-Engine Hu-Card - Puzzle game n/c 0
Be Ball PC-Engine Hu-Card - Puzzle game n/c 0
Bikkuriman Daijikai PC-Engine CD Rom - Quizz Game n/c 0
Bikkuriman World PC-Engine Hu-Card - Aventure n/c 0
Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball 1991 12
Binary Land NES - Famicom - Puzzle game 1985 0
Blodia PC-Engine Hu-Card - Puzzle game n/c 13
Blood Gear PC-Engine CD Rom - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Bloody Roar 1998 15.5
Bloody Roar 2 1999 16.8
Bloody Roar 3 PS2 - Combat 2001 15
Bloody Roar 4 2003 13.2
Bloody Roar : Primal Fury 2002 17.3
Boboboubo Boubobo Dassutsu ! Hajike Royale n/c 0
Bomber King NES - Famicom - Action 1987 0
Bomber Man NES - Famicom - Puzzle game 1985 0
Bomber Man II NES - Famicom - Puzzle game 1991 0
Bomberman NES - Famicom - Puzzle game 1989 0
Bomberman Playstation - Puzzle game 1999 13.5
Bomberman 2005 15.5
Bomberman 2004 6
Bomberman 2004 11.7
Bomberman 2007 13.6
Bomberman PC-Engine Hu-Card - Réflexion n/c 17
Bomberman Family Computer Disk System - Action n/c 0
Bomberman 2 2009 14
Bomberman 64 1997 14
Bomberman 64 : The Second Attack n/c 15.7
Bomberman : Panic Bomber PC-Engine CD Rom - Puzzle game n/c 0
Bomberman : Users Battle PC-Engine Hu-Card - Promotionnelle n/c 0
Bomberman Act : Zero 2006 5.7
Bomberman Color 1998 0
Bomberman Fantasy Race 1999 10
Bomberman Generation 2002 15.3
Bomberman Hardball 2005 7.7
Bomberman Hero 1998 13.3
Bomberman Hero : Milian Oujo o Sukue! Nintendo 64 - Puzzle game n/c 0
Bomberman II NES - Famicom - Puzzle game -0001 0
Bomberman Jetters n/c 0
Bomberman Land 2008 12.3
Bomberman Land 2 n/c 0
Bomberman Land Touch ! 2007 15.9
Bomberman Land Touch ! 2 2008 14
Bomberman Land Wii 2008 11.6
Bomberman Max 2 : Red Advance 2003 12.5
Bomberman Max 2 Blue Advance 2003 11.7
Bomberman Quest 1999 16
Bomberman Story 2007 11.7
Bomberman Tournament 2001 17.9
Bomberman World 1998 13
Bomberman World GP n/c 0
Bomberman ' 94 : Taikenban - Spécial... PC-Engine CD Rom - Promotionnelle n/c 0
Bomberman '93 PC-Engine Hu-Card - Réflexion n/c 17
Bomberman '93 : Special Version PC-Engine Hu-Card - Promotionnelle n/c 0
Bomberman '94 PC-Engine Hu-Card - Réflexion n/c 0
Bonk 3 : Bonk's Big Adventure PC-Engine Hu-Card - Plates-formes n/c 0
Buster Bros. PC-Engine CD Rom - Puzzle game n/c 0
Calling 2010 13
Caravan Shooting Collection SNES - Compilation n/c 0
Castle Quest 1993 14
Castle Quest NES - Famicom - Stratégie 1990 0
Challenger NES - Famicom - Action 1985 0
Championship Lode Runner NES - Famicom - Action 1985 0
China Warrior PC-Engine Hu-Card - Beat\'em\'All n/c 0
Cobra : Kuroryuuou no Densetsu PC-Engine CD Rom - Aventure n/c 0
Cobra II : Densetsu no Otoko PC-Engine CD Rom - Aventure n/c 0
Cratermaze PC-Engine Hu-Card - Aventure n/c 0
Crystal Beans : From Dungeon Explorer n/c 0
Dancing Stage Universe 2 Xbox 360 - Musique 2008 0
Disney's Party 2003 6
DNA : Dark Native Apostle 2002 8
Doraemon NES - Famicom - Aventure 1986 0
Doraemon : Meikyuu Daisakusen PC-Engine Hu-Card - Aventure n/c 0
Doraemon : Nobita no Dorabian Night PC-Engine Hu-Card - Aventure n/c 0
DoReMi Fantasy : Milon no DokiDoki Daibouken SNES - Plates-formes n/c 0
Dragon's Curse PC-Engine Hu-Card - Plates-formes n/c 0
Dungeon Explorer 2008 10.3
Dungeon Explorer 2008 10
Dynablaster 1992 0
Dynablaster NES - Famicom - Action 1991 16
Dynablaster 1991 0
Earth Light : Anime-tic Space War Game n/c 0
Earth Light : Luna Strike n/c 0
Far East of Eden : Kabuki Klash Neo Geo - Combat n/c 14
Faxanadu NES - Famicom - Aventure 1989 16
Felix the Cat 1993 6
Final Soldier 1991 0
Final Soldier PC-Engine Hu-Card - Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 0
Final Soldier : Special Version PC-Engine Hu-Card - Promotionnelle n/c 0
Fire ProWrestling for WonderSwan n/c 0
Folles Poursuites Playstation - Action 2001 12
Fushigi no Umi Nadia : The Secret of Blue Water PC-Engine CD Rom - Aventure n/c 0
Futurama 2003 16
Futurama 2003 10
Fuzion Frenzy 2 2007 9.3
Gambler Jiko Chuushinha : Gekitou 36 Janshi PC-Engine CD Rom - Mahjong n/c 0
Garou Densetsu 2 : Arata Naru Tatakai PC-Engine CD Rom - Combat n/c 0
Getter Love!! Cho Renai Party Game n/c 10
Ginga Fukei Densetsu : Sapphire PC-Engine CD Rom - Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 0
Ginga Ojousama Densetsu Yuna : HuVideo PC-Engine CD Rom - Aventure n/c 0
Hector ' 87 NES - Famicom - Shoot\'em\'Up 1987 0
Honoo no Doukyuuji : Dodge Danpei PC-Engine Hu-Card - Sport n/c 0
Hudson Selection Vol. 3 : PC Genjin n/c 0
Hudson's Adventure Island NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1988 0
Hyaku Monogatari : Hontou ni Atta Kowai Hanashi PC-Engine CD Rom - Autres n/c 0
Inoue Mami : Kono Hoshi ni Tatta Hitori no Kimi PC-Engine CD Rom - Aventure n/c 0
J-league Eleven Beat 1997 n/c 0
J.J. & Jeff PC-Engine Hu-Card - Plates-formes n/c 0
Jackie Chan : Action Kung Fu PC-Engine Hu-Card - Plates-formes 1991 0
Jaseikin Necromancer PC-Engine Hu-Card - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Job Island 2009 9
Kato Chan & Ken Chan PC-Engine Hu-Card - Plates-formes n/c 0
Keith Courage in Alpha Zones PC-Engine Hu-Card - Plates-formes n/c 0
Kororinpa 2007 13.5
Kuusou Kagaku Sekai : Gulliver Boy PC-Engine CD Rom - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
La Belle et la Bête SNES - Plates-formes 1994 14
Lode Runner NES - Famicom - Puzzle game 1984 7
Lodoss Tou Senki : Record of Lodoss War PC-Engine CD Rom - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Lodoss Tou Senki II : Record of Lodoss War PC-Engine CD Rom - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Lords of Thunder Mega-CD - Sega CD - Shoot\'em\'Up 1995 18
Lost in Blue : Shipwrecked 2009 8.6
Maniac Pro-Wrestling : Ashita e no Tatakai PC-Engine Hu-Card - Sport n/c 0
Marbles ! Balance Challenge 2009 14.7
Mario Party 4 GameCube - Party game 2002 14.3
Mario Party 8 Wii - Party game 2007 12.9
Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru PC-Engine Hu-Card - Plates-formes n/c 0
Mega Bomberman Mega Drive - Genesis - Puzzle game 1994 0
Meikyuu Kumikyoku : Miron no Daibouken NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1986 0
Miami Crisis 2009 13.5
Mickey Mouse : Fushigi no Kuni do Daibouken NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1987 0
Mickey Mousecapade NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1988 0
Military Madness PC-Engine Hu-Card - Stratégie n/c 0
Milon's Secret Castle 1993 12
Milon's Secret Castle NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1988 0
Mitsubachi Gakuen PC-Engine CD Rom - Gestion n/c 0
Momotarou Densetsu : Gaiden NES - Famicom - Jeu de Rôle 1993 0
Momotarou Densetsu : Peach Boy Legend NES - Famicom - Jeu de Rôle 1987 0
Momotarou Densetsu Gaiden 1 : Dai 1 Shuu PC-Engine Hu-Card - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Momotarou Densetsu II PC-Engine Hu-Card - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Momotarou Densetsu Turbo PC-Engine Hu-Card - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Momotarou Dentetsu NES - Famicom - Jeu de société 1988 0
Momotarou Katsugeki PC-Engine Hu-Card - Plates-formes n/c 18
Nectaris PC-Engine Hu-Card - Stratégie n/c 0
Neo Nectaris PC-Engine CD Rom - Stratégie n/c 0
Neutopia PC-Engine Hu-Card - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Neutopia II PC-Engine Hu-Card - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
New Adventure Island PC-Engine Hu-Card - Plates-formes n/c 0
Ninja Hattori-kun : Ninja wa Shuugyou de Gozaru... NES - Famicom - Action 1986 0
Ninja Ryuukenden PC-Engine Hu-Card - Plates-formes n/c 0
Nuts & Milk NES - Famicom - Action 1984 0
Pang 1993 0
Panic Bomber 1995 14
Pocket Bomberman 1999 0
Pocket Bomberman 1998 0
Pomping World PC-Engine CD Rom - Puzzle game n/c 0
Power Eleven PC-Engine Hu-Card - Sport n/c 10
Power Golf PC-Engine Hu-Card - Sport n/c 0
Power Golf 2 : Golfer PC-Engine CD Rom - Sport n/c 0
Power League PC-Engine Hu-Card - Sport n/c 0
Power League 4 PC-Engine Hu-Card - Sport n/c 0
Power League 5 PC-Engine Hu-Card - Sport n/c 0
Power League 64 n/c 8
Power League All Stars : Gold Hu-Card PC-Engine Hu-Card - Promotionnelle n/c 0
Power League II PC-Engine Hu-Card - Sport n/c 0
Power League III PC-Engine Hu-Card - Sport n/c 0
Power League ' 93 PC-Engine Hu-Card - Sport n/c 0
Power Sports PC-Engine Hu-Card - Sport n/c 0
Power Tennis PC-Engine Hu-Card - Sport n/c 0
Princess Tomato In The Salad Kingdom NES - Famicom - Aventure 1991 7
Pro Tennis : World Court PC-Engine Hu-Card - Sport n/c 0
Quiz Caravan : Cult Q PC-Engine CD Rom - Quizz Game n/c 0
R-Type I PC-Engine Hu-Card - Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 18
R-Type II PC-Engine Hu-Card - Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 18
Raid On Bungeling Bay NES - Famicom - Shoot\'em\'Up 1985 0
Raiden PC-Engine Hu-Card - Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 17
Rengoku 2 : The Stairway To H.E.A.V.E.N 2006 11.3
Rengoku : The Tower Of Purgatory 2006 9
Riot Zone PC-Engine CD Rom - Beat\'em\'All n/c 0
Robopon 64 : Robot Ponkotto 64 n/c 0
Sadakichi Sebun : Hideyoshi no Ougon PC-Engine Hu-Card - Aventure n/c 0
Salad no Kuni no Tomato Hime NES - Famicom - Aventure 1988 0
Saturn Bomberman 1997 16
Seiryuu Densetsu Monbit PC-Engine CD Rom - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Seiya Monogatari : Anearth Fantasy Stories PC-Engine CD Rom - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Sengoku Mahjong PC-Engine Hu-Card - Mahjong n/c 0
Shin Jinrui : The New Type NES - Famicom - Shoot\'em\'Up 1987 0
Sno-Cross Championship Racing 2001 13
SnoCross Championship Racing 2001 17
Soldier Blade PC-Engine Hu-Card - Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 0
Soldier Blade : Special Version PC-Engine Hu-Card - Promotionnelle n/c 0
Sports Island 2008 7.2
Sports Island 2 2009 6
Sports Island 3D 3DS - Sport 2011 8.8
Star Force NES - Famicom - Shoot\'em\'Up 1987 0
Star Soldier NES - Famicom - Shoot\'em\'Up 1986 0
Star Soldier : Vanishing Earth n/c 10
Starship Hector NES - Famicom - Shoot\'em\'Up 1990 0
Sudoku : The Puzzle Game Collection 3DS - Réflexion 2011 12.4
Sudoku Master 2006 13.5
Super Adventure Island SNES - Plates-formes 1992 15
Super B-Daman Battle Phoenix 64 n/c 0
Super Bomberman SNES - Action 1993 17.5
Super Bomberman 2 1995 0
Super Bomberman 3 1995 0
Super Bomberman 4 1996 18.5
Super Bomberman 5 n/c 18
Super Momotarou Dentetsu NES - Famicom - Jeu de société 1992 0
Super Momotarou Dentetsu III Game Gear - Party game n/c 15
Super Momotaru Densetsu PC-Engine Hu-Card - Jeu de société n/c 0
Super Momotaru Densetsu II PC-Engine Hu-Card - Jeu de société n/c 0
Super Raiden PC-Engine CD Rom - Shoot\'em\'Up 1992 0
Susano O Densetsu PC-Engine Hu-Card - Action n/c 0
Takahashi Meijin no Bouken Jima NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1986 0
Takahashi Meijin no Bouken Jima III NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1992 0
Takahashi Meijin no Bouken Jima IV NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1994 0
Takahashi Meijin no Bug-tte Honey NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1987 0
Takahashi Meijin no Shin Bouken Jima PC-Engine Hu-Card - Plates-formes n/c 0
Tetris 3DS - Puzzle game 2011 14.8
Tetris Party Deluxe Wii - Puzzle game 2010 11
Tetris Party Deluxe DS - Puzzle game 2010 12.7
The King of Fighters : Extreme 2005 13
The Kung Fu PC-Engine Hu-Card - Beat\'em\'All n/c 0
The Space Adventure Mega-CD - Sega CD - Aventure 1995 0
Timeball PC-Engine Hu-Card - Puzzle game n/c 0
Tobidase ! Panibomb Virtual Boy - Puzzle game 1995 0
Urusei Yatsura : Stay With You PC-Engine CD Rom - Aventure 1990 0
Victory Run PC-Engine Hu-Card - Course n/c 0
Victory Run : Eikou no 13,000KM PC-Engine Hu-Card - Course n/c 0
Wario Blast 1995 11
Wing Island 2007 9
World Class Baseball PC-Engine Hu-Card - Sport n/c 0
World Heroes 2 PC-Engine CD Rom - Combat 1994 0
World Sports Competition PC-Engine Hu-Card - Sport n/c 0
WRC Arcade 2002 13.5
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- 32X - 3DO - 3DS - Adventure Vision - Amiga - Amiga CD32 - Amstrad-CPC 464 - Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Apple II - Atari 2600 - Atari 5200 - Atari 7800 - Atari ST - Atari XE - CD-i - Channel F - Colecovision - Commodore 64 - DD64 - Dreamcast - DS - e-Reader - Family Computer Disk System - Game and Watch - Game Boy - Game Boy Advance - Game Boy Color - Game Gear - Game Park 32 - GameCube - Gizmondo - GX-4000 - Intellivision - Jaguar - Jaguar CD - Lynx - Mac - Master System - Mega Drive - Genesis - Mega-CD - Sega CD - MSX - N-Gage - Neo Geo - Neo Geo Pocket - Neo Geo Pocket Color - Neo Geo-CD - NES - Famicom - Nintendo 64 - Odyssey - Odyssey2 - PC - PC-Engine CD Rom - PC-Engine Hu-Card - PC-Engine SuperGrafX - Playstation - Pokemon Mini - PS2 - PS3 - PSP - Saturn - SNES - TI-99 4A - TRS-80 - Vectrex - Videopac - Virtual Boy - Wii - Wonderswan - Wonderswan Color - Xbox - Xbox 360