Nintendo 64

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Nombre de jeux 408
Nombre de scans 800
Revues de presse 801
Note moyenne 13.39
Année de sortie 1996
Constructeur Nintendo
Génération 5

TOP 10 des Jeux Nintendo 64

The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time #1 - The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time
Nintendo 64 - Jeu de Rôle
Sin and Punishment #2 - Sin and Punishment
Nintendo 64 -
Super Mario 64 #3 - Super Mario 64
Nintendo 64 - Plates-formes
The Legend Of Zelda : Majora's Mask #4 - The Legend Of Zelda : Majora's Mask
Nintendo 64 -
Perfect Dark #5 - Perfect Dark
Nintendo 64 -
Resident Evil 2 #6 - Resident Evil 2
Nintendo 64 -
GoldenEye 007 #7 - GoldenEye 007
Nintendo 64 -
Body Harvest #8 - Body Harvest
Nintendo 64 -
Banjo-Tooie #9 - Banjo-Tooie
Nintendo 64 - Plates-formes
StarFox 64 #10 - StarFox 64
Nintendo 64 -

Jeux Nintendo 64 populaires

Survivor : Day One #1 - Survivor : Day One
Nintendo 64 -
Bomberman 64 : The Second Attack #2 - Bomberman 64 : The Second Attack
Nintendo 64 -
Jikkyō Powerful Pro Yakyū 2000 #3 - Jikkyō Powerful Pro Yakyū 2000
Nintendo 64 -
Forsaken #4 - Forsaken
Nintendo 64 -
Army Men : Sarge's Heroes #5 - Army Men : Sarge's Heroes
Nintendo 64 -
Puyo Puyo Party #6 - Puyo Puyo Party
Nintendo 64 - Puzzle game
NFL Blitz #7 - NFL Blitz
Nintendo 64 -
Jikkyō Powerful Pro Yakyū 4 #8 - Jikkyō Powerful Pro Yakyū 4
Nintendo 64 -
Mortal Kombat Mythologies Sub-Zero #9 - Mortal Kombat Mythologies Sub-Zero
Nintendo 64 -
Sonic Wings Assault #10 - Sonic Wings Assault
Nintendo 64 - Simulateur de vol

Tous les Jeux Video Nintendo 64

000.Nintendo 64.000 Communication 1997 85%
007 : Le Monde ne Suffit Pas Infiltration 2000 85%
1080° Snowboarding Sport 1998 88%
40 Winks Action 2000 N/C
64 Ōzumō Sport 1997 58%
64 Ōzumō 2 Sport 1999 50%
64 de Hakken! Tamagotchi Minna de Tamagotchi... Simulation 1997 55%
64 Hanafuda: Tenshi no Yakusoku n/c 70%
64 Trump Collection: Alice no Waku Waku Trump... n/c 45%
A Bug's Life Plates-formes 1999 62%
Aero Gauge Action 1998 64%
AeroFighters Assault Simulateur de vol 1998 54%
AI Shogi 3 n/c 75%
Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage 2000 47%
Airboarder 64 1999 68%
AirBoardin' USA n/c N/C
All-Star Baseball 2000 n/c 85%
All-Star Baseball 2001 n/c 88%
All-Star Baseball '99 n/c 82%
Armorines : Project S.W.A.R.M 1999 58%
Army Men : Air Combat n/c 82%
Army Men : Sarge's Heroes 2000 70%
Army Men : Sarge's Heroes 2 2000 54%
Asteroids Hyper 64 1999 49%
Automobili Lamborghini Course 1997 64%
Bakushō Jinsei 64: Mezase! Resort... n/c 45%
Bangai-O n/c 83%
Banjo-Kazooie Plates-formes 1998 91%
Banjo-Tooie Plates-formes 2001 92%
Bass Rush: ECOGEAR PowerWorm Championship n/c 20%
Bassmasters 2000 n/c 55%
Batman Of The Future 2001 50%
Battletanx n/c 74%
Battletanx : Global Assault 2000 72%
BattleZone : Rise of the Black Dogs n/c 65%
Beetle Adventure Racing 1999 69%
Big Mountain 2000 n/c 55%
Bio Freaks 1999 63%
Blast Corps Action 1997 80%
Blues Brothers 2000 2000 50%
Body Harvest 1998 92%
Bomberman 64 1997 70%
Bomberman 64 : The Second Attack n/c 79%
Bomberman 64 Arcade Edition n/c N/C
Bomberman Hero 1998 67%
Bomberman Hero : Milian Oujo o Sukue! Puzzle game n/c N/C
Bottom Of The 9th n/c 60%
Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling n/c 70%
Buck Bumble 1998 60%
Bust a Move 2 Arcade Edition Puzzle game 1999 80%
Bust a Move 3 DX Puzzle game 1998 55%
Bust-A-Move 99 Puzzle game n/c 75%
California Speed n/c 45%
Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now Course 1999 18%
Castlevania 1999 88%
Castlevania : Legacy of Darkness 2000 86%
Centre Court Tennis 1999 30%
Chōkūkan Night: Pro... n/c 75%
Chōkūkan Night: Pro... n/c 70%
Chameleon Twist 1997 58%
Chameleon Twist 2 n/c 50%
Charlie Blast's Territory n/c 60%
Chopper Attack 1998 60%
Choro Q 64 2: Hachamecha Grand Prix Race n/c 80%
Clay Fighter 63 1/3 n/c 53%
Clay Fighter 63 1/3 : Sculptor's Cut n/c 70%
Command And Conquer 1999 75%
Conker's Bad Fur Day Plates-formes 2001 91%
Coupe du Monde 98 Sport 1998 88%
Cruis'n Exotica n/c 60%
Cruis'n USA 1998 47%
Cruis'n World 1998 60%
Custom Robo n/c 85%
Custom Robo V2 n/c 90%
Cyber Tiger 2000 63%
Dōbutsu no Mori n/c 85%
Daffy Duck Dans Le Role De Duck Dodgers Plates-formes 2000 59%
Daikatana 2000 38%
Dance Dance Revolution : Disney Dancing Museum Musique n/c 50%
Dark Rift 1997 53%
Deadly Arts 1998 33%
Densha de Go! 64 n/c 20%
Derby Stallion 64 N/C n/c 5%
Destruction Derby 1999 67%
Dezaemon 3D n/c 85%
Diddy Kong Racing 1997 80%
Donald Couak Attack ?*! 2000 70%
Donkey Kong 64 Plates-formes 1999 89%
Doom 64 1997 63%
Doraemon 2 : Nobita to Hikari no Shinden Plates-formes n/c 60%
Doraemon 3: Nobita no Machi SOS! Plates-formes n/c 75%
Doraemon: Nobita to 3-tsu no Seirei Ishi Plates-formes n/c 65%
Dr. Mario 64 Puzzle game n/c 60%
Dual Heroes 1998 33%
Duke Nukem 64 1997 88%
Duke Nukem : Zero Hour 1999 80%
Earthworm Jim 3D Plates-formes 1999 59%
ECW Hardcore Revolution 2000 40%
Eikō no Saint Andrews n/c 70%
Excitebike 64 2001 88%
Extreme-G 1997 79%
Extreme-G : XG2 Course 1998 63%
Fūrai no Siren 2: Oni Shūrai!... n/c 85%
F-Zero X 1998 83%
F1 Pole Position 64 1997 40%
F1 Racing Championship 2000 75%
F1 World Grand Prix 1998 78%
F1 World Grand Prix 2 1999 85%
Famista 64 n/c 40%
FIFA 64 1997 53%
FIFA 98 : En route pour la coupe du monde 1997 77%
FIFA 99 1998 85%
Fighter's Destiny 1998 65%
Fighter's Destiny 2 n/c 60%
Fighting Force 64 1999 53%
Flying Dragon 1998 55%
Forsaken 1998 40%
Fox Sports College Hoops 99 n/c 48%
G.A.S.P!! 1998 40%
Gauntlet Legends Action n/c 60%
Getter Love!! Cho Renai Party Game n/c 50%
Gex 3 : Deep Cover Gecko 1999 74%
Gex 64 : Enter the Gecko Plates-formes 1998 67%
Glover 1998 40%
Glover 2 n/c N/C
Goemon Mononoke Sugoroku n/c 70%
Golden Nugget 64 Autres n/c 80%
GoldenEye 007 1997 92%
GT64 1998 33%
Hamster Monogatari 64 n/c 25%
Harvest Moon 64 n/c 78%
Heiwa Pachinko World 64 Autres n/c N/C
Hercules Plates-formes 2000 68%
Hexen 1997 52%
Hey You Pikachu ! n/c 85%
Holy Magic Century 1998 85%
Hot Wheels Turbo Racing 1999 85%
Hybrid Heaven 1999 67%
Hydro Thunder 2000 72%
Ide Yōsuke no Mahjong Juku n/c N/C
Iggy's Reckin' Balls Plates-formes 1998 67%
In-Fisherman Bass Hunter 64 n/c 60%
Indiana Jones : La Machine Infernale 2000 70%
Indy Racing 2000 2000 75%
International Superstar Soccer 2000 2000 75%
International Superstar Soccer 64 Sport 1997 80%
International Superstar Soccer 98 1998 55%
International Track And Field : Summer Games 2000 55%
Itoi Shigesato no Bass Tsuri No. 1 n/c N/C
J-League Dynamite Soccer 64 n/c N/C
J-league Eleven Beat 1997 n/c N/C
J-League Tactics Soccer n/c N/C
J. League Live 64 n/c N/C
Jangō Simulation Mahjong-dō 64 n/c N/C
Jeopardy! Quizz Game 1998 40%
Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000 n/c 53%
Jet Force Gemini 1999 88%
Jikkyō GI Stable n/c N/C
Jikkyō Powerful Pro Yakyū 2000 n/c N/C
Jikkyō Powerful Pro Yakyū 4 n/c 75%
Jikkyō Powerful Pro Yakyū 5 n/c 75%
Jikkyō Powerful Pro Yakyū 6 n/c N/C
Jikkyō Powerful Pro Yakyū... n/c N/C
Jikkyou J-League Perfect Striker n/c N/C
Jinsei Game 64 n/c N/C
Ken Griffey Jr's Slugfest n/c 78%
Killer Instinct Gold 1997 44%
Kira to Kaiketsu! 64 Tanteidan n/c N/C
Kirby 64 : The Crystal Shards Plates-formes 2001 84%
Knife Edge : Nose Gunner 1999 54%
Knockout Kings 2000 1999 69%
Kobe Bryant In NBA Courtside 1998 68%
Kuiki Uhabi Suigou n/c N/C
Last Legion UX n/c N/C
Lego Racers 1999 75%
Les Razmoket : La Chasse aux Trésors n/c 45%
Les Razmoket a Paris : Le Film Plates-formes 2001 69%
Lode Runner 3-D Plates-formes 1999 65%
Lylat Wars 1997 90%
Mace : The Dark Age 1997 77%
Madden Football 64 n/c 83%
Madden NFL 2000 n/c 88%
Madden NFL 2001 n/c 85%
Madden NFL 2002 n/c 90%
Madden NFL 99 n/c 85%
Magical Tetris Challenge Puzzle game 1999 70%
Mahjong 64 n/c N/C
Mahjong Hōrōki Classic n/c N/C
Mahjong Master n/c N/C
Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr n/c 70%
Mario Golf 1999 85%
Mario Kart 64 1997 83%
Mario no Photopi Educatif n/c N/C
Mario Party 1998 77%
Mario Party 2 2000 70%
Mario Party 3 2001 69%
Mario Tennis 2000 85%
Masters '98: Haruka Naru Augusta n/c N/C
Mega Man 64 n/c 81%
Mickey Speedway USA 2000 67%
MicroMachines 64 Turbo 1999 72%
Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits Volume 1 n/c 55%
Mike Piazza's Strike Zone n/c N/C
Milo's Astro Lanes 1998 58%
Mischief Makers Action 1997 45%
Mission : Impossible - "Expect The... FPS 1998 65%
Monaco Grand Prix 1999 80%
Monopoly n/c 75%
Monster Truck Madness 64 1999 55%
Morita Shogi 64 n/c N/C
Mortal Kombat 4 1998 88%
Mortal Kombat Mythologies Sub-Zero 1997 38%
Mortal Kombat Trilogy 1996 50%
Ms. Pac-Man : Maze Madness 2001 70%
Multi Racing Championship Course 1997 65%
Mystery Dungeon : Shiren the Wanderer 2 n/c N/C
Mystical Ninja 2 : Starring Goemon Plates-formes 1999 73%
Mystical Ninja : Starring Goemon 1998 70%
Nagano : Winter Olympics 98 Sport 1998 38%
Nagano Olympic Hockey 98 1998 25%
Namco Museum 64 Compilation n/c 65%
Nascar 2000 n/c 70%
Nascar Racing 99 1998 68%
NBA Courtside 2 featuring Kobe Bryant n/c 80%
NBA Hang Time 1997 53%
NBA in the Zone 2000 2000 55%
NBA Jam 2000 1999 63%
NBA Jam 99 Sport 1998 75%
NBA Live 2000 1999 75%
NBA Live 98 1988 N/C
NBA Pro 98 1998 25%
NBA Pro 99 1999 60%
NBA Showtime : NBA On NBC n/c 68%
Neon Genesis Evangelion n/c 35%
New Japan Pro Wrestling: Tōhkon Road... n/c N/C
New Japan Pro Wrestling: Tōhkon Road... n/c N/C
NFL Blitz 1998 90%
NFL Blitz 2000 n/c 88%
NFL Blitz 2001 n/c 80%
NFL Blitz Special Edition n/c N/C
NFL QB Club 2001 n/c 53%
NFL Quarterback Club 2000 n/c 60%
NFL Quarterback Club 98 n/c 68%
NFL Quarterback Club 99 1998 80%
NHL 99 1998 75%
NHL Blades of Steel '99 1999 50%
NHL Blades of Steel 2000 n/c N/C
NHL Breakaway 98 1998 78%
NHL Breakaway 99 n/c 65%
NHL Pro 99 1999 65%
Nightmare Creatures n/c 68%
Nintama Rantarō 64 Game Gallery Puzzle game n/c N/C
Nuclear Strike 64 1999 75%
Nushi Tsuri 64 n/c N/C
Nushi Tsuri 64: Shiokaze Ninotte n/c N/C
Off Road Challenge 1998 25%
Ogre Battle 64 : Person of Lordly Caliber n/c 90%
Onegai Monster n/c N/C
Operation Winback 2000 78%
Pachinko 365 Hi Autres n/c N/C
Paper Mario 2001 88%
Paperboy 1999 64%
Parlor! Pro 64: Pachinko Jikki Simulation Autres n/c N/C
Pd Ultraman Battle Collection n/c 20%
Penny Racers 1999 55%
Perfect Dark 2000 93%
PGA European Tour n/c 45%
Pilotwings 64 Simulateur de vol 1997 85%
Pocket Monsters Stadium n/c 50%
Pocket Monsters Stadium 2 n/c N/C
Pokemon Puzzle League Puzzle game 2001 77%
Pokemon Snap Autres 2000 78%
Pokemon Stadium 2000 73%
Pokemon Stadium 2 2001 72%
Polaris Snocross n/c 43%
Power League 64 n/c 40%
Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue n/c 30%
Premier Manager 64 1999 N/C
Pro Mahjong Goku 64 Puzzle game n/c N/C
Pro Shinan Mahjong Tsuwamono 64: Jansō... n/c N/C
Puyo Puyo Party Puzzle game n/c N/C
Puyo Puyo Sun 64 Puzzle game n/c 80%
Quake FPS 1998 75%
Quake 2 1999 79%
Rainbow Six 1999 78%
Rakuga Kids 1998 N/C
Rally Challenge 2000 n/c 59%
Rampage 2 : Universal Tour 1999 52%
Rampage : World Tour 1998 45%
Rat Attack n/c 55%
Rayman 2 Plates-formes 1999 86%
Razor Freestyle Scooter n/c N/C
Re-Volt 1999 49%
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing 1999 83%
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Round 2 n/c 68%
Resident Evil 2 2000 93%
Ridge Racer 64 2000 85%
Road Rash 64 1999 80%
Roadsters 1999 60%
Robopon 64 : Robot Ponkotto 64 n/c N/C
Robot Ponkottsu 64: Nanatsu no Umi no Caramel n/c N/C
Robotron 64 1998 55%
Rocket : Robot On Wheels Plates-formes 1999 83%
Rush 2 : Extreme Racing USA 1999 69%
S.C.A.R.S 1998 68%
Saikyō Habu Shōgi n/c N/C
San Francisco Rush 1998 N/C
San Francisco Rush 2049 2000 87%
Scooby-Doo! : Classic Creep Capers 2001 58%
Sesame Street : Elmo's Letter Adventure Educatif n/c N/C
Sesame Street : Elmo's Number Journey Educatif n/c N/C
Shadow Man 1999 90%
Shadowgate 64 : Trials of the Four Towers 1999 53%
SimCity 2000 n/c 35%
Sin and Punishment n/c 95%
Snowboard Kids 1998 60%
Snowboard Kids 2 n/c 65%
Sonic Wings Assault Simulateur de vol n/c N/C
South Park n/c 60%
South Park Chef's Luv Shack 1999 49%
South Park Rally 2000 53%
Space Invaders n/c 55%
Space Station Silicon Valley Plates-formes 1998 73%
Spider-Man 2001 80%
St. Andrew's Golf n/c N/C
Star Soldier : Vanishing Earth n/c 50%
Star Wars : Rogue Squadron 1999 88%
Star Wars Episode 1 : Battle for Naboo 2001 65%
Star Wars Episode 1 : Racer 1999 90%
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire 1997 79%
Starcraft 64 n/c 80%
StarFox 64 n/c 91%
Starshot : Panique au Space Circus Plates-formes 1998 62%
Stunt Racer n/c 70%
Super B-Daman Battle Phoenix 64 n/c N/C
Super Bowling n/c 65%
Super Mario 64 Plates-formes 1997 95%
Super Robot Spirits n/c 60%
Super Robot Taisen 64 n/c N/C
Super Smash Bros 1999 88%
Supercross 2000 1999 70%
Superman Action 1999 52%
Survivor : Day One n/c N/C
Susume! Taisen Puzzle-Dama: Tōkon!... Puzzle game n/c N/C
Téléfoot : Soccer 2000 Sport 2000 N/C
Tarzan Plates-formes 2000 77%
Taz Express Plates-formes 2000 60%
Tetris 64 Puzzle game n/c N/C
Tetrisphere Puzzle game 1997 88%
The Legend Of Zelda : Majora's Mask 2000 95%
The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time Jeu de Rôle 1998 98%
The New Tetris Puzzle game 1999 85%
The Powerpuff Girls : Chemical X-Traction n/c N/C
Tom and Jerry : Sauve qui peut ! 2000 65%
Tonic Trouble Plates-formes n/c 30%
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 2001 90%
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 n/c 80%
Tony Hawk's Skateboarding n/c 90%
Top Gear Hyper Bike 2000 N/C
Top Gear Overdrive 1998 78%
Top Gear Rally Course 1997 60%
Top Gear Rally 2 1999 78%
Toy Story 2 : Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue Plates-formes 1999 64%
Transformers : Beast Wars Transmetals n/c 30%
Triple Play 2000 n/c 53%
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil 1998 89%
Turok 3 2000 65%
Turok : Rage Wars 1999 79%
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter 1997 85%
Twisted Edge Extreme Snowboarding 1999 65%
Ucchan Nanchan no Honō no Challenge:... Puzzle game n/c N/C
V-Rally : Edition 99 Course 1998 55%
Vigilante 8 1999 84%
Vigilante 8 : Second Offense 2000 88%
Virtual Chess 64 Autres n/c 68%
Virtual Pool 64 1999 74%
Virtual Pro Wrestling 2 n/c 80%
Virtual Pro Wrestling 64 n/c N/C
Waialae Country Club : True Golf Classics 1998 63%
War Gods Action 1997 45%
Wave Race 64 Sport 1997 90%
Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey Sport 1996 75%
Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey '98 Sport 1997 N/C
WCW Backstage Assault Sport 2000 45%
Wcw Mayhem 1999 75%
Wcw Nitro Sport 1999 45%
Wcw Vs Nwo : World Tour Sport 1998 65%
Wcw Vs Nwo Revenge Sport 1998 70%
Wetrix Puzzle game 1998 88%
Wheel of Fortune Quizz Game 1997 65%
WinBack : Covert Operations Tactique 1999 70%
Winnie l'Ourson : La Chasse au Miel de Tigrou Plates-formes 2000 N/C
Wipeout 64 Course 1999 80%
Wonder Project J2 n/c 50%
World Driver Championship Course 1999 81%
Worms Armageddon Tactique 1999 75%
Wrestlemania 2000 2000 80%
WWF Attitude Tactique 1999 83%
WWF No Mercy Sport 2000 85%
WWF Warzone Sport 1998 79%
WWF Wrestlemania 2000 Sport 2000 80%
X-Men : Mutant Academy n/c N/C
Xena : Princesse Guerrière 1999 60%
Xena : Talisman Of Fate 1999 54%
Yakōchū II : Satsujin... n/c N/C
Yannick Noah : All Star Tennis '99 Sport 1999 N/C
Yoshi's Story Plates-formes 1998 71%
Zool : Majū Tsukai Densetsu n/c N/C
- 32X - 3DO - 3DS - Adventure Vision - Amiga - Amiga CD32 - Amstrad-CPC 464 - Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Apple II - Atari 2600 - Atari 5200 - Atari 7800 - Atari ST - Atari XE - CD-i - Channel F - Colecovision - Commodore 64 - DD64 - Dreamcast - DS - e-Reader - Family Computer Disk System - Game and Watch - Game Boy - Game Boy Advance - Game Boy Color - Game Gear - Game Park 32 - GameCube - Gizmondo - GX-4000 - Intellivision - Jaguar - Jaguar CD - Lynx - Mac - Master System - Mega Drive - Genesis - Mega-CD - Sega CD - MSX - N-Gage - Neo Geo - Neo Geo Pocket - Neo Geo Pocket Color - Neo Geo-CD - NES - Famicom - Nintendo 64 - Odyssey - Odyssey2 - PC - PC-Engine CD Rom - PC-Engine Hu-Card - PC-Engine SuperGrafX - Playstation - Pokemon Mini - PS2 - PS3 - PSP - Saturn - SNES - TI-99 4A - TRS-80 - Vectrex - Videopac - Virtual Boy - Wii - Wonderswan - Wonderswan Color - Xbox - Xbox 360