Master System

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Nombre de jeux 1101
Nombre de scans 6761
Revues de presse 290
Note moyenne 13.24
Année de sortie 1985
Constructeur SEGA
Génération 3

TOP 10 des Jeux Master System

Sagaia #1 - Sagaia
Master System - Shoot\'em\'Up
Air Rescue #2 - Air Rescue
Master System - Action
Starflight #3 - Starflight
Master System - Simulateur de vol
Greatest Heavyweights #4 - Greatest Heavyweights
Master System - Sport
The Disney Collection : Quackshot & Castle of Illusion #5 - The Disney Collection : Quackshot & Castle of Illusion
Master System - Compilation
Lemmings 2 : The Tribes #6 - Lemmings 2 : The Tribes
Master System - Réflexion
NHL Hockey 94 #7 - NHL Hockey 94
Master System - Sport
Shining Force II #8 - Shining Force II
Master System - Jeu de Rôle
R-Type #9 - R-Type
Master System - Shoot\'em\'Up
Alien Soldier #10 - Alien Soldier
Master System - Action

Jeux Master System populaires

Robocop 3 #1 - Robocop 3
Master System - Action
Mega Games 6 Vol. 2 #2 - Mega Games 6 Vol. 2
Master System - Compilation
Astérix #3 - Astérix
Master System - Plates-formes
Turma da Mônica em :  O Resgate #4 - Turma da Mônica em : O Resgate
Master System - Aventure
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego ? #5 - Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego ?
Master System - Aventure
Champions of Europe - The Official Football Game of UEFA ' 92 #6 - Champions of Europe - The Official Football Game of UEFA ' 92
Master System - Sport
Galahad #7 - Galahad
Master System - Action
The Pro Yakyuu : Pennant Race #8 - The Pro Yakyuu : Pennant Race
Master System - Sport
Paperboy 2 #9 - Paperboy 2
Master System - Action
Rolling Thunder 2 #10 - Rolling Thunder 2
Master System - Action

Tous les Jeux Video Master System

000.Master-System I.000 Communication 1987 70%
000.Master-System II.000 Communication 1990 80%
000.The Sega 3-D Glasses.000 Accessoire 1987 70%
000.The Sega Light Phaser.000 Accessoire 2015 80%
20 em 1 Communication 1995 N/C
Ace of Aces Simulateur de vol 1991 N/C
Action Fighter Action 1986 60%
Aerial Assault Shoot\'em\'Up 1990 N/C
After Burner Shoot\'em\'Up 1988 25%
Air Rescue Action 1992 100%
Akai Koudan Zillion Action n/c N/C
Aleste Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Alex Kidd : High Tech World Plates-formes 1989 28%
Alex Kidd : Tenkuu Majou Plates-formes n/c N/C
Alex Kidd : The Lost Stars Plates-formes 1988 54%
Alex Kidd BMX Trial Course n/c N/C
Alex Kidd In Miracle World Plates-formes 1986 87%
Alex Kidd in Shinobi World Plates-formes 1990 80%
Alex Kidd no Miracle World Plates-formes n/c N/C
Alf Plates-formes 1989 30%
Alien 3 Plates-formes 1992 80%
Alien Soldier Action 1995 92%
Alien Storm Action 1991 35%
Alien Syndrome Action 1987 60%
Altered Beast Beat\'em\'All 1988 N/C
American Baseball Sport 1988 85%
American Pro Football Sport 1989 N/C
Andre Agassi Tennis Sport 1993 N/C
Anmitsu Hime Plates-formes n/c N/C
Arcade Smash Hits Compilation 1992 35%
Argos No Juujiken Plates-formes n/c N/C
As Aventuras da TV Colosso Plates-formes n/c N/C
Ashura Action n/c N/C
Assault City : Version Joypad Tir 1990 N/C
Assault City : Version Light Phaser Tir 1990 N/C
Astérix Plates-formes 1992 83%
Astérix and the Great Rescue Plates-formes 1994 70%
Asterix and the Secret Mission Plates-formes 1993 80%
Astro Warrior Shoot\'em\'Up 1986 75%
Astro Warrior / Pit Pot : The Combo Cartridge Compilation 1986 N/C
Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II Course 1992 N/C
Aztec Adventure Jeu de Rôle 1988 80%
Back to the Future Part II Action -0001 N/C
Back to the Future Part III Action 1992 N/C
Baku Baku Puzzle game n/c N/C
Bank Panic : The Sega Card Tir 1987 N/C
Bank Panic : The Sega Cartridge Tir 1987 55%
Basketball Nightmare Sport 1989 40%
Batman Returns Plates-formes 1992 73%
Battle Out Run Course 1989 63%
Battlemaniacs Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Black Belt Beat\'em\'All 1986 60%
Blade Eagle 3-D Shoot\'em\'Up 1988 N/C
Bomber Raid Shoot\'em\'Up 1991 65%
Bonanza Bros Action 1991 55%
Bram Stoker's Dracula Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Bubble Bobble Action 1991 85%
Buggy Run Sport 1993 N/C
California Games Sport 1989 60%
California Games 2 Sport 1990 N/C
Captain Silver Aventure 1987 60%
Casino Games Casino 1989 63%
Castle of Illusion : Starring Mickey Mouse Plates-formes 1990 92%
Champions of Europe - The Official Football Game... Sport 1992 N/C
Chapolim X Drácula : Um Duelo Assustador Plates-formes n/c N/C
Cheese Cat-Astrophe starring Speedy Gonzales Plates-formes n/c 80%
Choplifter Action 1987 76%
Chuck Rock Plates-formes 1992 58%
Chuck Rock II : Son of Chuck Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Cloud Master Shoot\'em\'Up 1989 75%
Columns Puzzle game 1990 82%
Columns III : Revenge of Columns Puzzle game n/c N/C
Columns III : Taiketsu ! - Columns World Puzzle game n/c N/C
Combat Cars Course 1994 N/C
Comical Machine Gun Joe Action n/c N/C
Contra : Hard Corps Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Cool Spot Plates-formes 1993 70%
Corporation FPS 1992 85%
Cosmic Spacehead Plates-formes 1989 N/C
Cosmic Spacehead Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Crack Down Action 1991 58%
Crayon Shin-chan : Arashi o Yobu Enji Action n/c 50%
Cross Fire Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Crude Buster Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Crusader of Centy Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Crying : Aseimei Sensou Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Crystal's Pony Tale Plates-formes n/c N/C
Curse Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 30%
Cutie Suzuki no Ringside Angel Sport n/c N/C
Cutthroat Island Action 1995 N/C
Cyber-Cop FPS n/c N/C
Cyberball : Football in the 21st Century Sport n/c N/C
Cyborg Hunter Plates-formes 1989 N/C
Cyborg Justice Beat\'em\'All 1993 80%
Daffy Duck in Hollywood Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Daffy Duck in Hollywood Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Dahna : Megami Tanjou Action n/c N/C
Daikoukai Jidai Stratégie n/c N/C
Daikoukai Jidai II Stratégie n/c N/C
Daimakaimura Plates-formes n/c N/C
Daisenpuu Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Danan : The Jungle Fighter Plates-formes 1991 75%
Dangerous Seed Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Darius II Shoot\'em\'Up 1990 N/C
Darwin 4081 Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Dashin' Desperadoes Action n/c N/C
David Crane's Amazing Tennis Sport n/c N/C
David Robinson Basketball Sport n/c N/C
Davis Cup : Tennis Sport n/c N/C
Daze Before Christmas Plates-formes n/c N/C
Dead Angle Tir 1990 65%
Deadly Moves Combat n/c N/C
Death Duel FPS n/c N/C
Deep Duck Trouble Starring Donald Duck Plates-formes 1993 78%
Demolition Man Action 1995 85%
Desert Demolition Starring Road Runner and Wile... Plates-formes 1995 75%
Desert Speedtrap : Starring Road Runner and Wile... Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Desert Strike Action 1992 N/C
Devilish : The Next Possession Casse Briques n/c N/C
Devil's Crash : MD Flipper n/c N/C
Dick Tracy Plates-formes 1990 70%
Dick Vitale's "Awesome, Baby !"... Sport n/c N/C
Dino Dini's Soccer Sport 1994 N/C
Dino Land Flipper n/c N/C
Dinobasher : Starring Bignose the Caveman Plates-formes n/c N/C
Disney's Aladdin Plates-formes 1994 85%
Disney's Ariel : The Little Mermaid Plates-formes 1992 30%
Disney's Beauty and the Beast : Belle's Quest Plates-formes n/c N/C
Disney's Beauty and the Beast : Roar of the... Plates-formes n/c N/C
Disney's Bonkers Plates-formes 1995 58%
Disney's Bonkers : Wax Up ! Plates-formes 1995 90%
Disney's Le Roi Lion Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Disney's Pinocchio Plates-formes 1995 70%
Disney's Pocahontas Plates-formes 1996 80%
Disney's The Jungle Book Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Disney's The Lion King Plates-formes 1994 75%
Divine Sealing Adultes n/c 10%
DJ Boy Beat\'em\'All 1992 54%
Doki Doki Penguin Land : Uchuu-Daibouken Action n/c N/C
Donald in Maui Mallard Plates-formes 1995 85%
Doom Troopers Action n/c N/C
Doraemon : Yume Dorobou to 7 Nin no Gozans Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Double Dragon Beat\'em\'All 1988 53%
Double Dragon Beat\'em\'All 1992 N/C
Double Dragon II : The Revenge Beat\'em\'All n/c 43%
Double Dragon V : The Shadow Falls Combat n/c N/C
Double Dribble : The Playoff Edition Sport n/c N/C
Double Hawk Tir 1990 N/C
Double Target : Cynthia no Nemuri Plates-formes n/c N/C
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine Puzzle game 1994 N/C
Dragon : The Bruce Lee Story Beat\'em\'All 1994 N/C
Dragon : The Bruce Lee Story Combat 1994 65%
Dragon Ball Z : Buyuu Retsuden Combat n/c N/C
Dragon Crystal Jeu de Rôle 1990 40%
Dragon Slayer : Eiyuu Densetsu Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Dragon Slayer : Eiyuu Densetsu II Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Dragon's Eye Plus : Shanghai III Mahjong n/c N/C
Dragon's Revenge Flipper 1994 N/C
Dream Team USA : Team USA Basketball Sport n/c N/C
Duke Nukem : 3D FPS 1998 N/C
Dune : The Battle for Arrakis Stratégie n/c N/C
Dune II : Kampf um den Wüstenplaneten Stratégie n/c N/C
Dune II : The Battle for Arrakis Stratégie 1994 N/C
Dyna Brothers Simulation n/c N/C
Dyna Brothers 2 Simulation n/c N/C
Dynamite Duke Tir 1991 N/C
Dynamite Duke Action 1991 80%
Dynamite Dux Action 1989 68%
Dynamite Headdy Plates-formes 1994 N/C
E-SWAT Action 1990 25%
EA Sports : Double Header Compilation 1992 N/C
Earnest Evans Plates-formes n/c N/C
Earthworm Jim Plates-formes 1997 80%
Ecco : Les Marées du Temps Aventure 1994 N/C
Ecco : The Dolphin II Aventure n/c N/C
Ecco Jr. Party game n/c N/C
Ecco The Dolphin Aventure 1993 70%
Ecco The Dolphin : The Tides of Time Aventure n/c N/C
El. Viento Plates-formes n/c 80%
Elemental Master Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Eliminate Down Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 90%
Elitserien 95 Sport n/c N/C
Elitserien 96 Sport n/c N/C
Empire of Steel Shoot\'em\'Up 1992 73%
Enduro Racer Course 1987 50%
ESPN : Baseball Tonight Sport n/c N/C
ESPN : National Hockey Night Sport n/c N/C
ESPN : Speedworld Course n/c N/C
ESPN : Sunday Night NFL Sport n/c N/C
ESWAT : Cyber Police Plates-formes n/c N/C
Europa Sensen Stratégie n/c N/C
Evander Holyfield's 'Real Deal' Boxing Sport 1992 65%
Ex-Ranza Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Exile Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Exile : Toki no Hazama he Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Férias Frustradas do Pica Pau Plates-formes n/c N/C
F-117 : Night Storm Simulateur de vol 1993 N/C
F-117 : Stealth - Operation : Night Storm Simulateur de vol n/c N/C
F-15 : Strike Eagle II Simulateur de vol 1993 60%
F-16 Fighter : The Sega Cartridge Simulateur de vol 1986 N/C
F-16 Fighting Falcon : The Sega Card Simulateur de vol 1986 N/C
F1 : An Official Product of the FIA Formula One... Course 1993 N/C
F1 : World Championship Edition Sport 1995 55%
F1 Circus : MD Sport n/c N/C
Family Feud Quizz Game n/c N/C
Family Games Party game n/c N/C
Fantasia : Mickey Mouse Magic Plates-formes n/c N/C
Fantastic Dizzy Plates-formes 1993 83%
Fantastic Dizzy Plates-formes n/c N/C
Fantasy Zone : The Maze Action 1987 N/C
Fantasy Zone II Shoot\'em\'Up 1988 80%
Fantasy Zone II : The Tears of Opa-Opa Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Fantazy Zone Shoot\'em\'Up 1987 80%
Fastest 1 Sport n/c N/C
Fatal Fury 2 Combat n/c N/C
Fatal Labyrinth Jeu de Rôle 1991 50%
Fatman Combat n/c N/C
Ferrari : Grand Prix Challenge Course 1992 45%
Fever Pitch Soccer Sport 1995 88%
FIFA : Soccer 97 Sport n/c N/C
FIFA International Soccer Sport n/c N/C
Fighting Masters Combat n/c 50%
Final Blow Sport n/c N/C
Final Bubble Bobble Action n/c N/C
Final Zone Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Fire & Ice Plates-formes n/c N/C
Fire and Forget II Action 1990 25%
Fire Mustang Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Fire Shark Shoot\'em\'Up 1991 88%
Flashback : The Quest for Identity Aventure n/c N/C
Foreman For Real Sport 1995 N/C
Forgotten Worlds Shoot\'em\'Up 1991 83%
Formula One Sport n/c N/C
Frank Thomas : Big Hurt Baseball Sport 1995 N/C
Frogger Action n/c N/C
From TV Animation Slam Dunk : Kyougou Makkou... Sport n/c N/C
Fun 'n Games Autres 1994 N/C
Fushigi no Oshiro Pit Pot Action n/c N/C
Fushigi no Umi no Nadia Aventure n/c N/C
FZ Senki Axis Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
G-Loc : Air Battle Simulateur de vol 1991 N/C
G-LOC : Air Battle Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 N/C
Gadget Twins Action n/c N/C
Gaegujangi Kkachi Plates-formes n/c N/C
Gaiares Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 87%
Gain Ground Action 1991 N/C
Gain Ground Action 1991 83%
Galactic Protector Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Galahad Action n/c N/C
Galaxy Force Shoot\'em\'Up 1989 N/C
Galaxy Force II Shoot\'em\'Up 1991 50%
Gambler Jiko Chuushinha : Katayama Masayuki no... Mahjong n/c N/C
Game Box Série Corridas Compilation n/c N/C
Game Box Série Esportes Compilation n/c N/C
Game Box Série Esportes Radicais Compilation n/c N/C
Game Box Série Lutas Compilation n/c N/C
Gangster Town Tir 1987 70%
Gargoyles Action n/c N/C
Garou Densetsu 2 : Aratanaru Tatakai Combat n/c N/C
Garou Densetsu : Shukumei No Tatakai Combat n/c N/C
Garry Kitchen's Super Battletank : War in the... Simulation n/c N/C
Gauntlet Action 1990 N/C
Gauntlet IV Action 1993 80%
Gemfire Stratégie n/c N/C
General Chaos Stratégie 1993 N/C
General Chaos : Daikonsen Stratégie n/c N/C
Genghis Khan II : Clan Of The Gray Wolf Stratégie n/c N/C
George Foreman's K.O Boxing Sport 1992 65%
Geraldinho Plates-formes n/c N/C
Ghost House : The Sega Card Plates-formes 1987 N/C
Ghost House : The Sega Cartridge Plates-formes 1987 30%
Ghostbusters Action 1989 N/C
Ghouls 'N Ghosts Plates-formes 1991 70%
Global Defense Tir 1987 N/C
Global Gladiators Plates-formes 1992 N/C
Gokuaku Doumei Dump Matsumoto Sport n/c N/C
Golden Axe Beat\'em\'All 1989 60%
Golden Axe III Beat\'em\'All n/c 55%
Golden Axe Warrior Jeu de Rôle 1991 N/C
Golfamania Sport 1990 75%
Golvellius : Valley of Doom Jeu de Rôle 1988 88%
Goofy's Hysterical History Tour Plates-formes n/c 40%
Gouketsuji Ichizoku Combat n/c N/C
GP Rider Course 1993 N/C
Granada Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 90%
Grandslam : The Tennis Tournament '92 Sport n/c N/C
Great Baseball Sport 1987 N/C
Great Basketball Sport 1987 25%
Great Football Sport 1987 N/C
Great Golf Sport 1987 N/C
Great Ice Hockey Sport 1987 N/C
Great Soccer Sport 1987 N/C
Great Tennis Sport n/c N/C
Great Volleyball Sport 1987 80%
Greatest Heavyweights Sport 1994 95%
Grind Stormer Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Growl Beat\'em\'All n/c 10%
Haja no Fuuin Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Hang On & Safari Hunt : The Combo Cartridge Compilation 1986 55%
Hang-On Course 1990 50%
Hang-On & Astro Warrior : The Combo Cartridge Compilation n/c N/C
Hang-On : The Sega Card Course 1987 N/C
Hard Drivin' Simulation 1991 50%
HardBall ! Sport n/c N/C
Hardball '94 Sport 1994 80%
HardBall '95 Sport n/c N/C
Havoc Plates-formes 1994 75%
Head-On Soccer Sport n/c N/C
Heavy Nova Action n/c N/C
Heavy Unit : Mega Drive Special Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Heavyweight Champ Sport 1991 35%
Heroes of the Lance Jeu de Rôle 1991 N/C
Herzog Zwei Stratégie 1990 90%
High School ! Kimengumi Aventure n/c N/C
High Seas Havoc Plates-formes n/c N/C
Hit The Ice : VHL - The Official Video Hockey... Sport n/c N/C
Hokuto no Ken Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Hokuto no Ken : Shin Seikimatsu Kyuuseishu... Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Home Alone Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Home Alone Plates-formes 1992 28%
Home Alone 2 : Lost in New York Plates-formes n/c N/C
Honoo no Toukyuuji - Dodge Danpei Sport n/c N/C
Hook Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Hoshi wo Sagashite... Aventure n/c N/C
Hurricanes Plates-formes 1994 50%
Hyokkori Hyoutanjima : Daitouryou wo Mezase ! Jeu de société n/c N/C
Hyperdunk : The Playoff Edition Sport n/c N/C
Impossible Mission Action 1990 48%
Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade : The Action... Action 1990 N/C
Insector X Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 40%
Instruments of Chaos Starring ... Young Indiana... Action n/c N/C
International Rugby Sport 1993 50%
International Sensible Soccer - Limited Edition... Sport 1994 48%
Ishido : The Way of Stones Puzzle game n/c N/C
Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings Plates-formes 1995 N/C
J. League : Champion Soccer Sport n/c N/C
J.League : Official Tv Game - Pro Striker Sport n/c N/C
J.League : Official Tv Game - Pro Striker - Final... Sport n/c N/C
J.League : Official Tv Game - Pro Striker -... Sport n/c N/C
J.League : Official Tv Game - Pro Striker 2 Sport n/c N/C
Jack Nicklaus' Power Challenge Golf Sport 1993 40%
James Bond 007 : The Duel Action 1993 70%
James Pond 2 : Codename Robocod Plates-formes 1992 80%
James Pond II Plates-formes n/c N/C
James "Buster" Douglas : Knockout... Sport n/c N/C
Jammit Sport n/c N/C
Jang Pung 3 Combat n/c N/C
Janggun-ui Adeul Combat n/c N/C
Janou Touryuumon Mahjong n/c N/C
Jantei Monogatari Mahjong n/c N/C
Jashin Draxos Plates-formes n/c N/C
Jennifer Capriati Tennis Sport n/c N/C
Jeopardy ! Quizz Game 1993 N/C
Jeopardy ! : Deluxe Edition Quizz Game 1993 N/C
Jeopardy ! : Sports Edition Quizz Game 1994 N/C
Jerry Glanville's Pigskin Footbrawl Sport n/c N/C
Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker Sport 1994 N/C
Joe & Mac Plates-formes n/c 80%
Joe Montana Football Sport 1990 N/C
Joe Montana Football Sport 1991 70%
John Madden Football Sport n/c N/C
John Madden Football : Championship Edition Sport n/c N/C
John Madden Football : Pro Football Sport n/c N/C
John Madden Football ' 92 Sport 1991 85%
John Madden Football ' 93 Sport 1992 80%
Jordan Vs Bird : One on One Sport 1993 N/C
JuJu Densetsu Plates-formes n/c N/C
Junction Réflexion n/c N/C
Jungle Strike : Uketsugareta Kyouki Action n/c N/C
Jurassic Park Action 1993 N/C
Jurassic Park : Rampage Edition Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Justice League : Task Force Combat 1995 N/C
Juuouki Beat\'em\'All n/c 80%
Ka-Ge-Ki Combat n/c N/C
Ka-Ge-Ki : Fists of Steel Combat n/c N/C
Kawasaki Superbike Challenge Course n/c N/C
Kawasaki Superbikes Course 1995 N/C
Kenseiden Plates-formes 1988 70%
Kick Off 3 : European Challenge Sport 1994 N/C
Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor : 98-Shiki Kidou Seyo ! Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
King of the Monsters 2 Combat n/c N/C
King Salmon Simulation n/c N/C
King Salmon : The Big Catch Simulation n/c N/C
King's Bounty : The Conqueror's Quest Jeu de Rôle 1991 80%
King's Quest : Quest for the Crown Aventure 1989 N/C
Kishi Densetsu Stratégie n/c N/C
Kkum Ui Dai Ryuk Aventure n/c N/C
Klax Puzzle game 1991 N/C
Klax Puzzle game 1991 75%
Koutetsu Teikoku Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Krusty's Fun House Plates-formes 1992 N/C
Kujakuou Plates-formes n/c N/C
Kujakuou 2 : Geneijou Plates-formes n/c N/C
Kung Fu Kid Beat\'em\'All 1987 N/C
Kuuga : Operation Code "Vapor Trail" Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Kyuukai Douchuuki Sport n/c N/C
Kyuukyoku Tiger Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
La Russa Baseball 95 Sport n/c N/C
Lakers Versus Celtics And The NBA Playoffs Sport n/c N/C
Land of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse Plates-formes 1992 88%
Landstalker Jeu de Rôle 1993 92%
Landstalker : Koutei no Zaihou Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Landstalker : The Treasures of King Nole Jeu de Rôle 1993 N/C
Langrisser Jeu de Rôle 1991 N/C
Langrisser II Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Laser Ghost Tir 1991 N/C
Last Action Hero Action n/c N/C
Last Battle Beat\'em\'All 1990 26%
Le Livre de la Jungle Plates-formes 1991 60%
Le Livre de la Jungle Plates-formes 1994 85%
Le Roi Lion Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Legend of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse Plates-formes n/c 65%
Lemmings Réflexion 1991 70%
Lemmings 2 : The Tribes Réflexion 1994 95%
Les Schtroumpfs Plates-formes 1995 73%
Les Schtroumpfs Plates-formes 1994 65%
Les Schtroumpfs : Autour du Monde Plates-formes 1996 N/C
Les Schtroumpfs Autour du Monde Plates-formes 1996 N/C
Lethal Enforcers Course 1993 N/C
Lethal Enforcers II : Gun Fighters Shoot\'em\'Up 1994 N/C
Liberty Or Death : Revolution ! Stratégie n/c N/C
Light Crusader Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Lightening Force : Quest for the Darkstar Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Line of Fire Shoot\'em\'Up 1991 N/C
Lord Monarch : Tokoton Sentou Densetsu Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Lord of Sword Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Lord of the Sword Jeu de Rôle 1989 N/C
Loretta no Shouzou : Sherlock Holmes Aventure n/c N/C
Lotus II Course n/c N/C
Lotus II : R.E.C.S. -... Course 1993 N/C
Lotus Turbo Challenge Course 1992 N/C
Mônica no Castelo do Dragão Plates-formes n/c N/C
M.U.S.H.A. : Metallic Uniframe Super Hybrid Armor Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Madden NFL 97 Sport 1996 N/C
Madden NFL 98 Sport n/c N/C
Madden NFL ' 94 Sport 1993 N/C
Madoh Monogatari I Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Magical Hat no Buttobi Turbo ! Daibouken Action n/c N/C
Magical Taruruuto-kun Action n/c 80%
Mahjong Cop Ryuu : Hakurou no Yabou Mahjong n/c N/C
Mahjong Sengoku Jidai Mahjong n/c N/C
Makai Retsuden Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Mamono Hunter Youko : Dai 7 no Keishou Action n/c N/C
Man Overboard ! Action 1994 N/C
Maou Golvellius Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Maou Renjishi Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Marble Madness Puzzle game 1992 63%
Marble Madness Puzzle game 1992 90%
Mario Andretti Racing Course 1994 N/C
Marko Plates-formes n/c N/C
Marko's Magic Football Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Marksman Shooting & Trap Shooting Compilation 1986 N/C
Marksman Shooting / Trap Shooting / Safari Hunt Compilation 1987 40%
Marvel Land Plates-formes n/c N/C
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein Plates-formes n/c N/C
Master Games 1 Compilation 1993 N/C
Master of Darkness Plates-formes 1992 80%
Master of Monsters Stratégie n/c N/C
Master of Weapon Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 10%
Masters Golf Sport n/c N/C
Masters of Combat Combat 1993 N/C
Maten no Soumetsu Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Math Blaster : Episode 1 Educatif n/c N/C
Maze Hunter 3-D : A 3-D Cartridge Action 1988 N/C
Maze Walker 3-D Action n/c N/C
Mazin Saga Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Mazin Saga : Mutant Fighter Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Mazin Wars Beat\'em\'All 1993 73%
McDonald's Treasure Land Adventure Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Mega Games 3 Compilation 1993 N/C
Mega Games 6 Compilation 1995 75%
Mega Games 6 Vol. 2 Compilation 1995 50%
Mega Games 6 Vol. 3 Compilation 1995 N/C
Mega Man : The Wily Wars Compilation 1994 80%
Mega SWIV Shoot\'em\'Up 1995 N/C
Mega Turrican Plates-formes 1994 75%
Mega-Lo-Mania Stratégie 1993 60%
MegaLoMania Stratégie n/c N/C
Megapanel Puzzle game n/c N/C
MegaTrax Course n/c N/C
Megumi Rescue Action n/c N/C
Menacer : 6-Game Cartridge Compilation 1992 N/C
Mercs Shoot\'em\'Up 1991 N/C
Metal Fangs Course n/c N/C
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker Plates-formes 1991 67%
Mick & Mack as The Global Gladiators Plates-formes n/c N/C
Mickey Mania : The Timeless Adventures of Mickey... Plates-formes 1994 90%
Mickey to Minnie Magical Adventure 2 Plates-formes n/c N/C
Mickey's Ultimate Challenge Puzzle game n/c N/C
Mickey's Ultimate Challenge Puzzle game n/c N/C
Micro Machines Course 1993 70%
Micro Machines 2 : Turbo Tournament Course 1994 N/C
Midway Presents : Arcade's Greatest Hits Compilation 1996 N/C
Mig-29 : Fighter Pilot Simulation 1993 N/C
Might And Magic : Gates to Another World Jeu de Rôle 1991 80%
Mighty Morphin : Power Rangers Combat 1994 N/C
Mighty Morphin : Power Rangers - The Movie Beat\'em\'All 1995 60%
Minato no Traysia Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Minnesota Fats : Pool Legend Sport n/c N/C
Miracle Warriors : Seal of The Dark Lord Jeu de Rôle 1987 50%
Missile Defense 3-D Shoot\'em\'Up 1987 65%
MLBPA Baseball Sport n/c N/C
Monopoly Jeu de société 1987 40%
Monopoly Jeu de société n/c N/C
Monster World IV Plates-formes n/c N/C
Montezuma's Revenge : Featuring Panama Joe Action 1989 N/C
Mortal Kombat Combat 1993 75%
Mortal Kombat 3 Combat 1996 28%
Mortal Kombat 3 Combat 1995 92%
Mortal Kombat II Combat 1994 70%
Mortal Kombat II : Kyuukyoku Shinken Combat n/c N/C
Moving Adventure : Psy-O-Blade Aventure n/c N/C
Ms. Pac-Man Action 1991 N/C
Ms. Pac-Man Action 1995 N/C
MTV's Beavis and Butt-Head Action 1995 N/C
Mugen Senshi Valis : The Fantasm Soldier Plates-formes n/c N/C
Muhammad Ali : Heavyweight Boxing Sport 1992 N/C
Musha Aleste : Full Metal Fighter Ellinor Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Mutant League : Football Sport 1993 N/C
Mutant League : Hockey Sport 1994 N/C
My Hero : The Sega Card Beat\'em\'All 1988 N/C
My Hero : The Sega Cartridge Beat\'em\'All 1986 60%
Mystical Fighter Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Nakajima Satoru Kanshuu : F1 Grand Prix Sport n/c N/C
Nakajima Satoru Kanshuu : F1 Hero - MD Sport n/c N/C
Nakajima Satoru Kanshuu : F1 Super License Sport n/c N/C
Naomichi Ozaki no Super Masters Sport n/c N/C
NBA Action '94 Sport n/c N/C
NBA Action '95 Starring David Robinson Sport 1995 N/C
NBA Hang Time Sport 1997 N/C
NBA Jam : T.E. Sport 1995 80%
NBA Live 98 Sport n/c N/C
NBA Playoffs : Bulls Vs Blazers Sport n/c N/C
NBA Pro Basketball : Bulls vs Lakers Sport n/c N/C
NBA Pro Basketball '94 Sport n/c N/C
NBA Showdown '94 Sport n/c N/C
NCAA : Final Four Basketball Sport n/c N/C
NCAA : Football Sport n/c N/C
Nekketsu Kouko Dodgeball Bu : Soccer Hen - MD Sport n/c N/C
Nekkyuu Koushien Sport n/c N/C
New 3D Golf Simulation : Devil's Course Sport n/c N/C
New 3D Golf Simulation : Harukanaru Augusta Sport n/c N/C
New 3D Golf Simulation : Pebble Beach no Hatou Sport n/c N/C
New 3D Golf Simulation : Waialae no Kiseki Sport n/c N/C
New Horizons Stratégie n/c N/C
Newman/Haas Indy Car : Featuring Nigel Mansell Sport 1994 N/C
NFL Football ' 94 Starring Joe Montana Sport n/c N/C
NFL Pro Football ' 94 Sport n/c N/C
NFL Quarterback Club Sport 1996 N/C
NFL Quarterback Club 96 Sport 1995 N/C
NFL Sports Talk '93 Starring Joe Montana Sport 1992 N/C
NFL ' 95 Sport n/c N/C
NFL ' 98 Sport n/c N/C
NHK Taiga Drama : Taiheiki Stratégie n/c N/C
NHL 95 Sport 1994 N/C
NHL 96 Sport 1995 90%
NHL 98 Sport n/c N/C
NHL : All-Star Hockey '95 Sport n/c N/C
NHL Hockey Sport n/c N/C
NHL Hockey 94 Sport 1993 95%
NHL ' 94 Sport n/c N/C
Nickelodeon : AAAHH !! Real Monsters Plates-formes 1995 N/C
Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing Sport 1993 N/C
Nightmare Circus Plates-formes n/c N/C
Nikkan Sports Pro Yakyuu VAN Sport n/c N/C
Ninja Action n/c N/C
Ninja Burai Densetsu Stratégie n/c N/C
Ninja Gaiden Plates-formes 1990 85%
No Escape Action n/c N/C
Nobunaga no Yabou : Bushou Fuuunroku Stratégie n/c N/C
Nobunaga no Yabou : Haouden Stratégie n/c N/C
Nobunaga no Yabou : Zenkoku Ban Stratégie n/c N/C
Nobunaga's Ambition Stratégie n/c N/C
Normy's Beach Babe-O-Rama Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Olympic Gold : Barcelona '92 Sport 1992 N/C
Olympic Summer Games : Atlanta 1996 Sport 1996 N/C
Opa Opa Action n/c N/C
Operation Europe : Path to Victory 1939-45 Stratégie n/c N/C
Operation Wolf Tir 1990 69%
Osomatsu-kun : Hachamecha Gekijou Action n/c N/C
Out Of This World Plates-formes n/c N/C
Out Run Course 1987 75%
Out Run 3-D Course 1989 N/C
Out Run : Europa Course 1991 N/C
Outlander Action n/c N/C
OutRun Course 1991 70%
OutRun 2019 Course 1993 60%
OutRunners Course n/c N/C
P.T.O. : Pacific Theater of Operations Stratégie n/c N/C
Pac-Attack Puzzle game n/c N/C
Pac-Man 2 : The New Adventures Aventure n/c N/C
Pac-Mania Action 1991 80%
Pac-Panic Puzzle game 1993 N/C
Pachinko Kuunyan Jeu de Hasard n/c N/C
Panorama Cotton Shoot\'em\'Up 2016 N/C
Paperboy Action 1990 45%
Paperboy 2 Action 1992 N/C
Parlour Games Jeu de société 1990 N/C
Party Quiz : Mega Q Quizz Game n/c N/C
Pat Riley : Basketball Sport n/c N/C
Pebble Beach Golf Links Sport 1994 N/C
Pelé Sport 1994 N/C
Pelé II : World Tournament Soccer Sport n/c N/C
Pele's World Tournament Soccer Sport 1994 N/C
Penguin Land Action 1987 N/C
Pepenga Pengo Réflexion n/c N/C
PGA : Tour Golf Sport 1993 N/C
PGA TOUR : 96 Sport 1995 N/C
PGA TOUR : Golf Sport 1991 90%
PGA TOUR : Golf II Sport 1993 N/C
PGA TOUR : Golf III Sport 1994 N/C
Phantasy Star Jeu de Rôle 1988 89%
Phantasy Star : Sennenki no Owari ni Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Phantasy Star II : Kaerazaru Toki no Owari ni Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Phantasy Star III : Toki no Keishousha Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Phantom 2040 Action 1995 N/C
Pier Solar and the Great Architects Jeu de Rôle 2010 N/C
Pink Goes To Hollywood Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Pirates ! Gold Point & click n/c N/C
Pit-Fighter Combat 1992 N/C
Pitfall : The Mayan Adventure Plates-formes 1994 65%
Populous Simulation 1991 70%
Poseidon Wars 3-D Simulation 1989 N/C
Power Athlete Combat n/c N/C
Power Strike Shoot\'em\'Up 1988 74%
Power Strike II Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 85%
Powerball Sport n/c N/C
Predator 2 Action 1992 N/C
Predator 2 Action 1992 N/C
Premier Manager Simulation 1995 N/C
Premier Manager 97 Simulation 1996 N/C
Primal Rage Combat 1995 30%
Prime Time NFL Football Starring Deion Sanders Sport n/c N/C
Prince of Persia Plates-formes 1992 54%
Prince of Persia Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Pro Quarterback Sport n/c N/C
Pro Wrestling Sport 1987 70%
Pro Yakyuu - Super League ' 91 Sport n/c N/C
Probotector Shoot\'em\'Up 1994 85%
Psychic World Plates-formes 1991 N/C
Psycho Fox Plates-formes 1989 79%
Psycho Pinball Flipper 1994 80%
Puggsy Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Pulseman Plates-formes n/c 75%
Putt & Putter Sport 1992 N/C
Puyo Puyo Puzzle game n/c N/C
Puyo Puyo 2 Puzzle game n/c N/C
Puzzle & Action : Ichidant-R Puzzle game n/c N/C
Puzzle & Action : Tant-R Puzzle game n/c N/C
Quackshot : I Love Donald Duck - Guruzia Ou no... Plates-formes n/c N/C
Quad Challenge Course n/c N/C
Quartet Plates-formes 1987 N/C
Quest for the Shaven Yak Starring Ren Hoëk... Plates-formes n/c N/C
R-Type Shoot\'em\'Up 1988 94%
R.B.I Baseball 3 Sport n/c N/C
R.B.I Baseball 4 Sport n/c N/C
R.B.I. Baseball ' 93 Sport n/c N/C
R.B.I. Baseball ' 94 Sport 1994 N/C
R.C. Grand Prix Course 1989 70%
Race Drivin' Simulation n/c N/C
Radical Rex Plates-formes 1994 N/C
Radical Rex : Shred Pre-Historic Pavement Plates-formes n/c N/C
Raiden Trad Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Rainbow Islands : Extra Plates-formes n/c N/C
Rainbow Islands : Story Of The Bubble Bobble 2 Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Rambo : First Blood Part II Action 1986 65%
Rambo III Tir 1988 64%
Rampage Action 1989 53%
Rampart Stratégie 1991 80%
Rampart Stratégie n/c 75%
Ransei no Hasha Stratégie n/c N/C
Rastan Action 1989 79%
Rastan Saga II Action n/c N/C
Red Zone Shoot\'em\'Up 1994 N/C
Reggie Jackson Baseball Sport n/c N/C
Renegade Beat\'em\'All 1993 N/C
Rent A Hero Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Rescue Mission Tir 1987 55%
Revolution X Tir 1995 N/C
Richard Scarry's Busytown Educatif n/c N/C
Rise of The Robots Combat 1995 13%
RISK : Parker Brothers' World Conquest Game Jeu de société n/c N/C
Risky Woods Plates-formes 1992 N/C
Ristar Plates-formes 1995 82%
Ristar : The Shooting Star Plates-formes n/c N/C
Road Rash Course 1991 78%
RoadBlasters Action n/c N/C
Robocop 3 Action 1993 45%
RoboCop 3 Action 1993 N/C
Robocop Versus The Terminator Action 1993 55%
Rock n' Roll Racing Course 1994 75%
Rockman : Mega World Compilation n/c N/C
Rocky Sport 1987 40%
Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball Sport n/c N/C
Rolling Thunder 2 Action 1993 83%
Rolling Thunder 3 Action n/c N/C
Rolo to the Rescue Plates-formes 1993 80%
Romance of the Three Kingdoms II Stratégie 1991 N/C
Romance of the Three Kingdoms III : Dragon of... Stratégie 1992 N/C
Royal Blood Stratégie n/c N/C
Rugby World Cup 1995 Sport 1994 N/C
Runark Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Running Battle Beat\'em\'All 1991 N/C
Ryuuko no Ken Combat n/c N/C
Sítio do Picapau Amarelo Plates-formes n/c N/C
S.D.I : Strategic.Defense.Initiative Tir n/c N/C
Saban's VR Troopers Combat 1995 N/C
Sagaia Shoot\'em\'Up 1992 100%
Sagaia Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Saint Sword Action n/c N/C
Same! Same! Same! Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 90%
Sampras : Tennis 96 Sport 1995 N/C
Sangokushi II Stratégie n/c N/C
Sangokushi III Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Sangokushi III Stratégie n/c N/C
Sangokushi Retsuden : Ransei no Eiyuutachi Stratégie n/c N/C
Sapo Xulé : O Mestre do Kung Fu Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Sapo Xulé : Vs Os Invasores do Brejo Aventure n/c N/C
Sapo Xule : S.O.S. Lagoa Poluida Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Satellite 7 Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Saturday Night : Slam Masters Sport 1994 N/C
Scholastic's The Magic School Bus : Space... Educatif n/c N/C
Scooby-Doo Mystery Aventure n/c N/C
Scramble Spirits Shoot\'em\'Up 1989 55%
SD Valis Action n/c 60%
SeaQuest DSV Aventure 1995 N/C
Secret Command Action 1987 58%
Sega Chess Jeu de société 1991 N/C
SEGA Sports 1 Compilation 1995 N/C
Sega World Tournament Golf Sport 1993 N/C
Seishun Scandal Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Senjou no Ookami II Action n/c N/C
Sensible Soccer : European Champions Sport 1994 N/C
Sensible Soccer : European Champions Sport 1993 N/C
Sesame Street : Counting Cafe Educatif n/c N/C
Shadow Blasters Action n/c N/C
Shadow Dancer : The Secret of Shinobi Plates-formes 1991 25%
Shadow of the Beast Plates-formes 1992 62%
Shadow of the Beast : Mashou no Okite Plates-formes n/c N/C
Shadow of the Beast II Plates-formes 1992 N/C
Shadowrun Action n/c N/C
Shane Warne Cricket Sport n/c N/C
Shanghai Jeu de société 1988 70%
Shanghai II : Dragon's Eye Mahjong n/c 80%
Shijo Saidai no Sokoban Puzzle game n/c N/C
Shikinjoh Puzzle game n/c N/C
Shin Souseiki Ragnacenty Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Shining and the Darkness Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Shining Force Jeu de Rôle 1993 87%
Shining Force : Kamigami no Isan Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Shining Force II Jeu de Rôle 1994 94%
Shining Force II : Inishie no Fuuin Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Shinobi Plates-formes 1988 83%
Shiten-Myooh Action n/c N/C
Shooting Gallery Tir 1987 N/C
Shougi no Hoshi Jeu de société n/c N/C
Shove It ! ...The Warehouse Game Puzzle game n/c 80%
Shura no Mon Combat n/c N/C
Side Pocket Sport 1992 N/C
Skeleton Krew Action 1995 N/C
Skitchin Sport 1994 N/C
Slap Fight - MD Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Slap Shot Sport 1990 N/C
Slaughter Sport Combat n/c N/C
Slime World Action n/c N/C
Snake Rattle n' Roll Action 1993 N/C
Snow Bros. : Nick & Tom Puzzle game n/c N/C
Socket Plates-formes n/c N/C
Sol-Deace Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 60%
Soldiers of Fortune Action n/c N/C
Solomon no Kagi : Oujo Rihita no Namida Action n/c N/C
Sonic 3D : Blast Plates-formes n/c N/C
Sonic : Classics Compilation n/c N/C
Sonic : Spinball Flipper n/c N/C
Sonic : The Lost Worlds Plates-formes 2009 N/C
Sonic Blast Plates-formes 1997 N/C
Sonic The Hedgehog Plates-formes 1991 89%
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 Plates-formes 1992 67%
Sonic The Hedgehog 3 Plates-formes n/c N/C
Sonic The Hedgehog : Chaos Plates-formes 1993 78%
Sonic The Hedgehog : Spinball Flipper 1995 N/C
Sorcer Kingdom Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Sorcerer's Kingdom Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Sorcerian Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Space Funky B.O.B. Action n/c N/C
Space Gun Tir 1992 90%
Space Harrier Action 1986 58%
Space Harrier 3-D Action 1988 N/C
Space Invaders 90 Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Space Invaders ' 91 Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Sparkster Plates-formes 1994 65%
Sparkster : Rocket Knight Adventures 2 Plates-formes n/c N/C
Special Criminal Investigation - S.C.I Course n/c 60%
Speedball Sport 1991 N/C
Speedball 2 Sport 1992 N/C
Speedball 2 : Brutal Deluxe Sport n/c N/C
SpellCaster Plates-formes 1989 90%
Spider-Man Action 1991 N/C
Spider-Man - Acclaim Action 1995 N/C
Spider-Man - Venom : Maximum Carnage Beat\'em\'All 1994 70%
Spider-Man : Return Of The Sinister Six Action 1992 N/C
Splatterhouse - Part 2 Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Splatterhouse - Part 3 Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Splatterhouse 3 Beat\'em\'All n/c 60%
Sports Pad Football Sport n/c N/C
Sports Pad Soccer Sport n/c N/C
Sports Talk Baseball Sport n/c N/C
Spy Vs Spy Action 1988 10%
Spy Vs Spy : The Sega Card Action 1987 N/C
Star Cruiser Action n/c N/C
Star Odyssey Jeu de Rôle n/c 70%
Star Trek : Deep Space Nine - Crossroads of Time Aventure 1995 N/C
Star Trek : The Next Generation - Echoes From The... Aventure n/c N/C
Star Wars Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Starflight Simulateur de vol 1991 95%
StarGate Action 1995 N/C
Steel Empire Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Steel Talons Simulateur de vol 1992 N/C
Street Fighter II ' Combat 1997 49%
Street Fighter II ' : Plus - Champion Edition Combat n/c N/C
Street Racer Course 1995 N/C
Street Smart Combat 1991 20%
Streets of Rage Beat\'em\'All 1993 77%
Streets of Rage 2 Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Streets of Rage 2 Ultra Edition Featuring Roo Beat\'em\'All 2018 N/C
Streets of Rage II Beat\'em\'All 1994 70%
Strider Plates-formes 1991 15%
Strider II Plates-formes 1992 40%
Strider II Plates-formes 1993 N/C
Strider Returns : Journey From Darkness Plates-formes n/c N/C
Striker Sport 1995 N/C
Submarine Attack Shoot\'em\'Up 1990 75%
Sukeban Deka II : Shoujo Tekkamen Densetsu Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Summer Challenge Sport 1993 N/C
Summer Games Sport 1990 N/C
Sunset Riders Action 1993 88%
Super Airwolf Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Super Battleship : The Classic Naval Combat Game Jeu de société n/c N/C
Super Daisenryaku Stratégie n/c 80%
Super H.Q Action n/c N/C
Super Hang-On Course 1989 85%
Super High Impact Sport n/c N/C
Super Kick Off Sport 1991 N/C
Super League Sport 1990 N/C
Super Monaco GP Course 1990 40%
Super Off Road Course 1993 N/C
Super Off Road Course 1992 85%
Super Racing Course n/c N/C
Super Skidmarks Course 1995 N/C
Super Smash T.V. Action 1992 N/C
Super Space Invaders Shoot\'em\'Up 1991 70%
Super Street Fighter II : The New Challengers Combat n/c N/C
Super Tennis Sport 1987 N/C
Super Tennis : The Sega Card Sport 1987 N/C
Super Volley Ball Sport n/c N/C
Superman : The Man Of Steel Action 1993 48%
Surging Aura Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Sword of Sodan Beat\'em\'All 1991 35%
Syd of Valis Action n/c 20%
Syndicate Stratégie 1995 N/C
T2 - Terminator 2 : Judgment Day Action 1993 N/C
T2 : Terminator 2 - Judgment Day Action 1993 N/C
T2 : The Arcade Game Course 1991 N/C
Taikou Risshiden Stratégie n/c N/C
Taito Chase H.Q. Action 1991 65%
Talmit's Adventure Plates-formes 1992 N/C
Target Earth Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 80%
Task Force Harrier EX Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Tatsujin Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Taz In Escape From Mars Plates-formes n/c N/C
Taz-Mania Plates-formes 1992 70%
TechnoClash Action 1993 N/C
Tecmo : Super Baseball Sport n/c N/C
Tecmo : Super Bowl Sport 1993 N/C
Tecmo : Super Bowl II - Special Edition Sport n/c N/C
Tecmo : Super Bowl III - Final Edition Sport n/c N/C
Tecmo : Super Hockey Sport n/c N/C
Tecmo : Super NBA Basketball Sport n/c N/C
Tecmo : World Cup Sport n/c N/C
Tecmo : World Cup ' 92 Sport n/c N/C
Tecmo World Cup '93 Sport 1993 N/C
Teddy Boy : The Sega Card Plates-formes 1986 N/C
Teddy Boy : The Sega Cartridge Plates-formes 1986 83%
Teddy Boy Blues Plates-formes n/c N/C
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles : Tournament Fighters Combat 1993 N/C
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Return of the... Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : The Hyperstone... Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Tournament... Combat n/c N/C
Teitoku no Ketsudan Stratégie n/c N/C
Tel-Tel Mahjong Mahjong n/c N/C
Tel-Tel Stadium Sport n/c N/C
Tennis Ace Sport 1989 80%
Tensai Bakabon Action n/c N/C
Tetris Puzzle game n/c N/C
The Addams Family Plates-formes 1992 55%
The Addams Family Plates-formes 1993 N/C
The Adventures Of Batman & Robin Beat\'em\'All 1995 85%
The Adventures of Mighty Max Plates-formes 1994 N/C
The Aquatic Games : Starring James Pond and the... Sport 1992 N/C
The Billiard Congress of America Presents :... Sport n/c N/C
The Circuit Course n/c N/C
The Cyber Shinobi Plates-formes 1990 43%
The Death and Return of Superman Beat\'em\'All 1995 N/C
The Disney Collection : Quackshot & Castle of... Compilation 1995 95%
The Duel : Test Drive II Simulation 1992 N/C
The Faery Tale Adventure Jeu de Rôle 1991 60%
The Flash Plates-formes n/c 59%
The Flintstones Plates-formes 1993 65%
The Flintstones Plates-formes 1993 N/C
The Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey &... Plates-formes n/c 70%
The Great Waldo Search Réflexion n/c N/C
The Humans Réflexion n/c N/C
The Hybrid Front Stratégie n/c 90%
The Incredible Crash Dummies Action 1993 N/C
The Incredible Crash Dummies Action 1994 N/C
The Incredible Hulk Plates-formes 1994 65%
The Incredible Hulk Plates-formes 1994 60%
The Kick Boxing Sport n/c N/C
The Killing Game Show Plates-formes n/c N/C
The Lawnmower Man Action 1994 N/C
The Legend of Galahad Action 1992 N/C
The Lost World : Jurassic Park Action 1997 90%
The Lucky Dime Caper starring Donald Duck Plates-formes 1991 69%
The Miracle Piano Teaching System Educatif n/c N/C
The NewZealand Story Plates-formes 1990 N/C
The Ninja Action 1987 69%
The Ooze Action 1995 N/C
The Ottifants Plates-formes 1993 N/C
The Ottifants Plates-formes 1993 N/C
The Pagemaster Plates-formes 1994 N/C
The Pirates of Dark Water Action 1994 N/C
The Pro Yakyuu : Pennant Race Sport n/c N/C
The Punisher Beat\'em\'All 1994 70%
The Ren & Stimpy Show Presents Stimpy's... Plates-formes 1994 N/C
The Simpsons : Bart Vs The World Plates-formes 1993 N/C
The Simpsons : Bart Vs. The Space Mutants Action 1992 49%
The Smufs Plates-formes n/c N/C
The Story of Thor Jeu de Rôle 1995 N/C
The Story of Thor : Hikari o Tsugumono Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
The Super Shinobi Plates-formes n/c N/C
The Super Shinobi II Plates-formes n/c N/C
The Terminator Action 1992 70%
The Tick Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends Educatif n/c N/C
Thunder Blade Shoot\'em\'Up 1988 70%
Thunder Force II - MD Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Thunder Force III Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 90%
Thunder Fox Action n/c N/C
Thunder Pro Wrestling Retsuden Sport n/c N/C
Time Dominator 1st Plates-formes n/c N/C
Time Killers Combat 1996 N/C
Time Soldiers Action 1989 60%
Tinhead Plates-formes n/c N/C
Tintin in Tibet Action 1996 N/C
Titi & Grosminet Dans Une Aventure Infernale Plates-formes 1994 N/C
TNN Outdoors - Bass Tournament ' 96 Simulation n/c N/C
Todd's Adventures in Slime World Action 1992 N/C
ToeJam & Earl Action 1991 85%
ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron Action 1994 N/C
Tom and Jerry Plates-formes 2017 N/C
Tom and Jerry : Frantic Antics Plates-formes n/c N/C
Tom and Jerry : The Movie Plates-formes 1992 70%
Tom Mason's Dinosaurs For Hire Plates-formes n/c N/C
Tommy Lasorda Baseball Sport n/c N/C
Tony La Russa Baseball Sport n/c N/C
Top Gear 2 Course n/c N/C
Top Pro Golf Sport n/c N/C
Top Pro Golf 2 Sport n/c N/C
Toto World 3 Plates-formes n/c N/C
Toughman Contest Sport 1995 N/C
Tougi Ou King Colossus Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Toxic Crusaders Beat\'em\'All n/c N/C
Toys Action n/c N/C
Trampoline Terror ! Puzzle game n/c N/C
TransBot : The Sega Card Shoot\'em\'Up 1985 45%
TransBot : The Sega Cartridge Shoot\'em\'Up 1987 42%
Traysia Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Triple Play 96 Sport n/c N/C
Triple Play : Gold Edition Sport n/c N/C
Triple Score : 3 Games In One Compilation n/c N/C
Trivial Pursuit : Genus Edition Jeu de société 1992 N/C
Trouble Shooter Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 65%
Troy Aikman : NFL Football Sport n/c N/C
Turbo Outrun Course 1992 40%
Turma da Mônica em : O Resgate Aventure n/c N/C
Turrican Plates-formes 1990 N/C
Twin Cobra : Desert Attack Helicopter Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Twinkle Tale Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Two Crude Dudes Beat\'em\'All 1992 67%
Tyrants : Fight Through Time Simulation n/c N/C
Uchuu Senkan Gomora Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Ultima IV : Quest of The Avatar Jeu de Rôle 1990 N/C
Ultimate Qix Puzzle game n/c N/C
Ultimate Soccer Sport 1993 N/C
Ultimate Soccer Sport 1993 N/C
Ultraman Combat n/c 10%
Uncharted Waters Stratégie n/c N/C
Undeadline Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Universal Soldier Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Unnecessary Roughness ' 95 Sport n/c N/C
V-V : V-Five Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Valis : The Fantasm Soldier Action n/c N/C
Valis III Action n/c N/C
Vampire Killer Plates-formes n/c N/C
Vapor Trail : Hyper Offence Formation Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Vectorman 2 Action n/c N/C
Venom - Spider-Man : Separation Anxiety Beat\'em\'All 1995 N/C
Vermilion Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Verytex Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Viewpoint Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Vigilante Beat\'em\'All 1989 60%
Virtual Bart Party game 1994 80%
Virtual Pinball Flipper 1993 N/C
Vixen 357 Stratégie n/c N/C
Volfied Puzzle game n/c N/C
Wacky Worlds : Creativity Studio Educatif n/c N/C
Walter Payton Football Sport n/c N/C
Wani Wani World Puzzle game n/c N/C
Wanted Tir 1989 N/C
Wardner Plates-formes n/c N/C
Wardner no Mori : Special Plates-formes n/c N/C
WarpSpeed Simulateur de vol n/c N/C
Warrior of Rome Stratégie n/c N/C
Warrior of Rome II Stratégie n/c N/C
Warsong Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Wayne Gretzky And The NHLPA All-Stars Sport 1995 N/C
Wayne's World Plates-formes n/c N/C
WeaponLord Combat n/c N/C
Wheel of Fortune Quizz Game 1992 N/C
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego ? Aventure 1988 N/C
Where In Time Is Carmen Sandiego? Aventure 1992 65%
Whip Rush Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Whip Rush : Wakusei Voltegas no Nazo Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Williams : Arcade's Greatest Hits Compilation n/c N/C
Wimbledon Sport 1992 N/C
Wimbledon Sport 1993 N/C
Wimbledon : Championship Tennis Sport n/c N/C
Wimbledon II Sport 1993 N/C
Wings of Wor Shoot\'em\'Up n/c N/C
Winter Challenge Sport 1992 N/C
Winter Olympics : Lillehammer '94 Sport 1994 N/C
Wiz 'n' Liz Action n/c N/C
Wiz 'n' Liz : The Frantic Wabbit Wescue Action 1993 85%
Wizard of the Immortal Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Wolfchild Plates-formes 1993 69%
Wolfchild Plates-formes n/c N/C
Wonder Boy Plates-formes 1987 N/C
Wonder Boy III : The Dragon's Trap Aventure 1989 82%
Wonder Boy in Monster Land Plates-formes 1988 80%
Wonder Boy in Monster World Aventure 1993 75%
Wonder Boy V : M.W III Action n/c N/C
Woody Pop : Shinjinrui no Block Kuzugi Casse Briques n/c N/C
World Championship Soccer Sport n/c N/C
World Championship Soccer 2 Sport 1994 N/C
World Championship Soccer II Sport n/c N/C
World Class Leader Board Sport 1991 N/C
World Class Leaderboard Golf Sport n/c N/C
World Cup : Italia '90 Sport 1990 N/C
World Cup : USA '94 Sport 1994 75%
World Cup Italia ' 90 Sport 1990 38%
World Cup Soccer Sport n/c N/C
World Games Sport 1989 N/C
World Grand Prix Course 1986 N/C
World Heroes Combat n/c N/C
World of Illusion : Fushigi na Magic Box Plates-formes n/c N/C
World Series Baseball Sport n/c N/C
World Series Baseball 98 Sport n/c N/C
World Series Baseball ' 95 Sport n/c N/C
World Series Baseball ' 96 Sport n/c N/C
World Soccer Sport 1987 N/C
World Trophy Soccer Sport n/c N/C
Wrestle War Sport 1991 35%
Wrestleball Sport n/c N/C
WWF RAW Sport 1994 N/C
WWF Royal Rumble Sport 1993 N/C
WWF Super WrestleMania Sport 1992 65%
WWF WrestleMania : Steel Cage Challenge Sport 1992 N/C
WWF WrestleMania : The Arcade Game Sport 1995 N/C
X-Men 2 : Clone Wars Plates-formes 1995 85%
X-Men : Mojo World Plates-formes n/c N/C
X-Perts Action 1996 N/C
XDR : X-Dazedly-Ray Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 10%
Xeno Crisis Action 2019 83%
Xenon 2 : Megablast Shoot\'em\'Up 1991 82%
Ys : The Vanished Omens Jeu de Rôle 1989 54%
Ys III Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Ys III : Wanderers From Ys Jeu de Rôle n/c N/C
Yu Yu Hakusho : Gaiden Jeu de Rôle n/c 30%
Yu Yu Hakusho : Makyo Toitsusen Combat n/c N/C
Yuyu Hakusho : Sunset Fighters Combat n/c N/C
Zan Yasha Enbukyoku Stratégie n/c N/C
Zany Golf Sport 1990 75%
Zaxxon 3-D : A 3-D Cartridge Shoot\'em\'Up 1987 N/C
Zero The KAMIKAZE Squirrel Plates-formes 1995 N/C
Zero Tolerance FPS 1994 N/C
Zillion Action 1987 N/C
Zillion II : The Tri Formation Action 1987 N/C
Zombies Action 1993 85%
Zombies Ate My Neighbors Action n/c N/C
Zool : Ninja of the Plates-formes 1994 90%
Zou ! Zou ! Zou ! : Rescue Daisakusen Plates-formes n/c N/C
- 32X - 3DO - 3DS - Adventure Vision - Amiga - Amiga CD32 - Amstrad-CPC 464 - Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Apple II - Atari 2600 - Atari 5200 - Atari 7800 - Atari ST - Atari XE - CD-i - Channel F - Colecovision - Commodore 64 - DD64 - Dreamcast - DS - e-Reader - Family Computer Disk System - Game and Watch - Game Boy - Game Boy Advance - Game Boy Color - Game Gear - Game Park 32 - GameCube - Gizmondo - GX-4000 - Intellivision - Jaguar - Jaguar CD - Lynx - Mac - Master System - Mega Drive - Genesis - Mega-CD - Sega CD - MSX - N-Gage - Neo Geo - Neo Geo Pocket - Neo Geo Pocket Color - Neo Geo-CD - NES - Famicom - Nintendo 64 - Odyssey - Odyssey2 - PC - PC-Engine CD Rom - PC-Engine Hu-Card - PC-Engine SuperGrafX - Playstation - Pokemon Mini - PS2 - PS3 - PSP - Saturn - SNES - TI-99 4A - TRS-80 - Vectrex - Videopac - Virtual Boy - Wii - Wonderswan - Wonderswan Color - Xbox - Xbox 360