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Tous les Jeux Video

000.3DO.000 3DO - Plates-formes 1993 0
000.4 Way Play.000 Mega Drive - Genesis - Accessoire 1993 15
000.4-Player Adaptor - Multiplayer.000 Mega Drive - Genesis - Accessoire 1993 15
000.Activator.000 Mega Drive - Genesis - Accessoire 1993 0
000.Amiga CD32.000 Amiga CD32 - Communication 1993 14
000.Big Window.000 Game Gear - Accessoire n/c 0
000.CD Aladdin Boy I.000 Mega-CD - Sega CD - Accessoire n/c 0
000.CD Aladdin Boy II.000 Mega-CD - Sega CD - Accessoire n/c 0
000.Les Bundles Mega Drive II.000 Mega Drive - Genesis - Accessoire 1993 0
000.Master Gear Converter 2.000 Game Gear - Accessoire 1993 16.5
000.Mega Drive II.000 Mega Drive - Genesis - Accessoire 1993 17
000.Mega-Cd I / SegaCD I.000 Mega-CD - Sega CD - Accessoire 1993 8
000.Mega-Cd II / SegaCD 2.000 Mega-CD - Sega CD - Accessoire 1993 8
000.Sega Tap.000 Mega Drive - Genesis - Accessoire 1993 15
000.Stereo FM Tuner.000 Game Gear - Accessoire n/c 0
000.Stereo Gear .000 Game Gear - Accessoire n/c 0
000.Team Player.000 Mega Drive - Genesis - Accessoire 1993 15
000.Wide Gear.000 Game Gear - Accessoire 1993 0
000.Wondermega : Modèle Victor RG-M2.000 Mega-CD - Sega CD - Accessoire n/c 0
007 Shitou : The Duel Mega Drive - Genesis - Action 1993 0
1552 : Tenka Dairan PC-Engine CD Rom - Stratégie n/c 0
1st Division Manager 1993 0
2020 Toshi no Super Baseball SNES - Sport 1993 0
20th Century Video Almanac 3DO - Educatif n/c 0
3 Count Bout Neo Geo - Combat n/c 12
3DO Interactive CD Sampler #1 3DO - Autres 1993 0
3x3 Eyes : Seima Densetsu Mega-CD - Sega CD - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
4-in-1 Funpak : Volume II 1993 0
688 Attack Sub Amiga - Simulation 1993 0
A Dinosaur's Tale Mega Drive - Genesis - Plates-formes 1993 0
A Great Day at the Races CD-i - Sport 1993 0
A-Rank : Thunder Tanjouhen Mega-CD - Sega CD - Aventure n/c 0
A.III : A-Ressha de Ikou III PC-Engine CD Rom - Gestion n/c 0
A320 Airbus : Edition Europa Amiga - Simulation 1993 0
Aa Harimanada Game Gear - Sport n/c 16
Aa Harimanada Mega Drive - Genesis - Sport 1993 0
Abandoned Places 2 Amiga - Jeu de Rôle 1993 0
ABC Monday Night Football SNES - Sport 1993 0
Accele Brid SNES - Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 0
Ace o Nerae ! SNES - Sport 1993 0
Aces Over Europes PC - Simulateur de vol 1993 0
Action Pachio SNES - Plates-formes 1993 0
ActRaiser SNES - Aventure 1993 16.2
ActRaiser 2 : Chinmoku e no Seisen SNES - Aventure 1993 0
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons : Hillsfar NES - Famicom - Action 1993 0
Aero The Acro-Bat SNES - Plates-formes 1993 15
Aero The Acro-bat Mega Drive - Genesis - Plates-formes 1993 0
Aerobiz SNES - Stratégie 1993 14
After Burner III Mega-CD - Sega CD - Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 16.5
AH-3 : Thunderstrike Mega-CD - Sega CD - Simulateur de vol n/c 0
Ai Sensei no Oshiete : Watashi no Hoshi NES - Famicom - Autres 1993 0
Air Management II SNES - Stratégie 1993 0
Akumajô Dracula X : Chi no Rondo PC-Engine CD Rom - Plates-formes n/c 20
Akumajou Dracula NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 0
Aladdin SNES - Plates-formes 1993 0
Aladdin Deck Enhancer + Dizzy The Adventurer NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 0
Albert Odyssey SNES - Jeu de Rôle 1993 14
Alcahest SNES - Jeu de Rôle 1993 12
Alfapet CD-i - Jeu de société 1993 0
Alfred Chicken NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 0
Alfred Chicken 1993 0
Alfred Chicken Amiga CD32 - Plates-formes 1993 0
Alfred Chicken Amiga - Plates-formes 1993 0
Alien 3 NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 16
Alien 3 SNES - Action 1993 10.2
Alien 3 1993 7
Alien Breed 2 : The Horror Continues Amiga - Action 1993 0
Alien Gate 1993 0
Alien vs. Predator SNES - Beat\'em\'All 1993 9
Allo' Allo : Cartoon Fun! Amiga - Plates-formes 1993 0
American Gladiators Mega Drive - Genesis - Autres 1993 0
American Gladiators SNES - Sport 1993 0
Amiganoid Amiga - Casse Briques n/c 0
Ancient Magic : Bazoe ! Mahou Sekai SNES - Jeu de Rôle 1993 0
Andre Agassi Tennis Master System - Sport 1993 0
Andre Agassi Tennis Mega Drive - Genesis - Sport 1993 5
Anett Futatabi Mega-CD - Sega CD - Beat\'em\'All 1993 8
Another World Mega Drive - Genesis - Plates-formes 1993 17
Another World SNES - Action 1993 17.2
Another World 1993 0
Another World 3DO - Aventure 1993 0
Aoki oh Kami to Shiroki Meshika : Gencho Hishi Mega-CD - Sega CD - Stratégie n/c 0
Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Mejika : Genchou Hishi NES - Famicom - Stratégie 1993 0
Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Meshika : Genchou Hishi PC-Engine CD Rom - Stratégie n/c 0
Aoki Ookami to Shiroki Meshika : Genchou Hishi Mega Drive - Genesis - Stratégie 1993 0
Apache Amiga - Action 1993 0
Aqutallion SNES - Jeu de Rôle 1993 0
Arabian Nights Amiga CD32 - Plates-formes 1993 0
Arabian Nights Amiga - Action 1993 0
Arcade Classics Series : Mario Bros. - The... NES - Famicom - Action 1993 0
Arcade Collection n°=54 : Super Space... Amstrad-CPC 464 - Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 0
Arcade Collection n°=60 : Skull &... Commodore 64 - Aventure 1993 0
Arcus I ・II ・III Mega-CD - Sega CD - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Arcus Spirits SNES - Jeu de Rôle 1993 12
Aretha n/c 0
Aretha : The Super Famicom SNES - Jeu de Rôle 1993 0
Arnie 2 Amiga - Action 1993 0
Art of Fighting SNES - Combat 1993 11.5
Asciiware Pro Moves Soccer Mega Drive - Genesis - Sport 1993 0
Astérix NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 14.8
Astérix Game Boy - Plates-formes 1993 14.8
Astérix And The Great Rescue Mega Drive - Genesis - Plates-formes 1993 11
Astérix et Obélix SNES - Plates-formes 1993 11.5
Asterix SNES - Plates-formes 1993 12.8
Asterix and the Secret Mission Master System - Plates-formes 1993 16
Asterix and the Secret Mission Game Gear - Plates-formes 1993 17
Aurora Quest : Otaku no Seiza in Another World PC-Engine CD Rom - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Awesome Possum Kicks Dr. Machino's Butt ! Mega Drive - Genesis - Plates-formes 1993 0
B.A.T. II : The Koshan Conspiracy 1993 0
B.O.B SNES - Action 1993 14
B.O.B. Mega Drive - Genesis - Action 1993 14
Baby T-Rex 1993 0
Ball Jacks Mega Drive - Genesis - Sport 1993 0
Bamse 1993 0
Barbie : Super Model Mega Drive - Genesis - Action 1993 2
Barbie : Super Model n/c 2
Bare Knuckle II Game Gear - Beat\'em\'All n/c 0
Bare Knuckle II : Shitou e no Requiem Mega Drive - Genesis - Beat\'em\'All 1993 0
Bari-Arm Mega-CD - Sega CD - Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 0
Barney's Hide & Seek Game Mega Drive - Genesis - Educatif 1993 0
Baseball Stars 2 Neo Geo - Sport n/c 12.8
Bases Loaded 4 NES - Famicom - Sport 1993 0
Batman Returns NES - Famicom - Beat\'em\'All 1993 0
Batman Returns SNES - Beat\'em\'All 1993 16.5
Batman Returns Mega-CD - Sega CD - Action 1993 15
Batman: The Animated Series 1993 17
Battle Baseball NES - Famicom - Sport 1993 0
Battle Blaze n/c 10
Battle Cars n/c 18
Battle Chess 3DO - Jeu de société 1993 0
Battle Dodge Ball 2 n/c 8
Battle Lode Runner PC-Engine Hu-Card - Puzzle game n/c 0
Battle Mania : Daiginjou Mega Drive - Genesis - Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 17
Battle Master : Kyuukyoku no Senshitachi n/c 16
Battleship : The Classic Naval Combat Game NES - Famicom - Jeu de société 1993 0
Battleship : The Classic Naval Combat Game Game Gear - Jeu de société 1993 12
Battletoads NES - Famicom - Beat\'em\'All 1993 0
Battletoads Mega Drive - Genesis - Beat\'em\'All 1993 13
Battletoads Game Gear - Beat\'em\'All 1993 18
Battletoads & Double Dragon NES - Famicom - Beat\'em\'All 1993 0
Battletoads / Double Dragon Mega Drive - Genesis - Beat\'em\'All 1993 0
BattleToads in BattleManiacs 1993 15
Battletoads in Ragnarok's World 1993 18
Beethoven : The Ultimate Canine Caper ! SNES - Plates-formes 1993 14
Best Of The Best : Championship Karate NES - Famicom - Sport 1993 0
Best of the Best : Championship Karate Mega Drive - Genesis - Sport 1993 0
Best of the Best : Karate Championship 1993 4
Beyond Shadowgate PC-Engine CD Rom - Aventure n/c 0
Bible Buffet NES - Famicom - Party game 1993 0
Big Nose the Caveman 1993 0
Bikini Girls PC-Engine CD Rom - Slide Show n/c 0
Bill Walsh : College Football Mega-CD - Sega CD - Sport n/c 0
Bill Walsh : College Football Mega Drive - Genesis - Sport 1993 13
Bing Bing ! Bingo SNES - Casino n/c 0
Biometal 1993 0
Bishin Densetsu Zoku : The Legend of Bishin Zoku n/c 14
Bishoujo Janshi Suchie-Pai SNES - Réflexion n/c 0
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon n/c 12.5
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R n/c 16
Blackhole Assault Mega-CD - Sega CD - Combat 1993 0
Blackhole Assault PC-Engine CD Rom - Combat n/c 0
Blades of Vengeance Mega Drive - Genesis - Action 1993 0
Blanco World Class Rugby SNES - Sport 1993 0
Blaster Master 2 Mega Drive - Genesis - Action 1993 0
Blazing Skies SNES - Simulateur de vol 1993 13.5
Body Conquest II : Kyuuseishu PC-Engine Hu-Card - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Bomberman ' 94 : Taikenban - Spécial... PC-Engine CD Rom - Promotionnelle n/c 0
Bomberman '94 PC-Engine Hu-Card - Réflexion n/c 0
Bonk 3 : Bonk's Big Adventure PC-Engine Hu-Card - Plates-formes n/c 0
Bonk 3 : Bonk's Big Adventure CD PC-Engine CD Rom - Plates-formes n/c 0
Boogie Woogie Bowling Mega Drive - Genesis - Sport 1993 0
Boxing : Legends of the Ring Mega Drive - Genesis - Sport 1993 0
Boxing Legends of the Ring 1993 16
Bram Stoker's Dracula Master System - Plates-formes 1993 0
Bram Stoker's Dracula 1993 0
Bram Stoker's Dracula Mega Drive - Genesis - Plates-formes 1993 12
Bram Stoker's Dracula NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 0
Bram Stoker's Dracula SNES - Action 1993 8
Bram Stoker's Dracula Game Gear - Plates-formes 1993 16
Brawl Brothers : Rival Turf ! 2 1993 14
Break Time : The National Pool Tour NES - Famicom - Sport 1993 0
Breath of Fire n/c 16
Brutal Football : Brutal Sports Series Amiga - Sport 1993 17
Bubble Bobble 2 NES - Famicom - Action 1993 0
Bubble Bobble : Part 2 NES - Famicom - Action 1993 0
Bubble Bobble : Part 2 1993 0
Bubsy : in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind SNES - Plates-formes 1993 13
Bubsy In : Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind Mega Drive - Genesis - Plates-formes 1993 15.3
Buggy Run Master System - Sport 1993 0
Builderland PC-Engine CD Rom - Puzzle game n/c 0
Bulls Versus Blazers And The NBA Playoffs Mega Drive - Genesis - Sport 1993 0
Bully's Sporting Darts 1993 0
Bully's Sporting Darts 1993 0
Burai : Hachigyoku no Yuushi Densetsu n/c 0
Buster Bros. PC-Engine CD Rom - Puzzle game n/c 0
Cacoma Knight in Bizyland SNES - Puzzle game n/c 0
Caesar 1993 0
Caesars Palace Game Gear - Casino 1993 14
Cal II PC-Engine CD Rom - Aventure n/c 0
California Games II 1993 0
Camp California PC-Engine CD Rom - Plates-formes n/c 0
Cannon Fodder Amiga - Stratégie 1993 18
Capcom's MVP Football 1993 0
Captain America and the Avengers n/c 8
Captain America and the Avengers Game Gear - Beat\'em\'All n/c 5
Captain Planet and the Planeteers Mega Drive - Genesis - Plates-formes 1993 0
Captain Tsubasa IV : Pro no Rival Tachi n/c 0
Casino Derby NES - Famicom - Autres 1993 0
Casino Kid II NES - Famicom - Casino 1993 0
Castle Quest 1993 14
Castles II : Siege And Conquest Amiga CD32 - Stratégie 1993 0
Castlevania : Bloodlines Mega Drive - Genesis - Plates-formes 1993 0
CD Battle : Hikari no Yuushatachi PC-Engine CD Rom - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
CD Denjin : Rockabilly Tengoku PC-Engine CD Rom - Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 0
CD Mahjong Bishoujo Tyuushinha PC-Engine CD Rom - Mahjong n/c 0
Chambers of Shaolin Amiga CD32 - Combat 1993 0
Championship Bowling Mega Drive - Genesis - Sport 1993 0
Championship Rally PC-Engine CD Rom - Course n/c 0
Chapolim X Drácula : Um Duelo Assustador Master System - Plates-formes n/c 0
Chase H.Q. II Mega Drive - Genesis - Action 1993 0
Chavez II n/c 0
Chavez II Mega Drive - Genesis - Sport 1993 0
Chester Cheetah : Too Cool to Fool Mega Drive - Genesis - Plates-formes 1993 0
Chi Chi's Pro Challenge Golf Mega Drive - Genesis - Sport 1993 0
Chip to Dale no Daisakusen 2 NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 0
Choplifter 3 1993 0
Choplifter III : Rescue - Survive Game Gear - Action n/c 14
Choujikuu Yousai Macross : Scrambled Valkyrie n/c 18
Chuck Rock Mega-CD - Sega CD - Plates-formes 1993 16
Chuck Rock Game Gear - Plates-formes 1993 14
Chuck Rock 1993 0
Chuck Rock II : Son Of Chuck Mega Drive - Genesis - Plates-formes 1993 16.5
Chuck Rock II : Son of Chuck Master System - Plates-formes 1993 0
Chuck Rock II : Son of Chuck Game Gear - Plates-formes 1993 16
Chuck Yeager's Air Combat Mac - Simulateur de vol 1993 0
Civilization 1993 0
Civilization 1993 0
Classic Road n/c 0
Classic Serie : Mario Bros. NES - Famicom - Action 1993 0
Claymates SNES - Plates-formes 1993 0
Cliffhanger NES - Famicom - Action 1993 0
Cliffhanger Mega Drive - Genesis - Action 1993 0
Cliffhanger 1993 6
Cliffhanger Mega-CD - Sega CD - Action n/c 0
Cliffhanger 1993 0
Cobra Command Mega-CD - Sega CD - Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 8
Color A Dinosaur : For Ages 3 To 6 NES - Famicom - Educatif 1993 0
Columns III : Taiketsu ! - Columns World Master System - Puzzle game n/c 0
Congo's Caper SNES - Plates-formes 1993 0
Conveni Wars Barcode Battler Senki : Super Senshi... n/c 0
Cool Spot Master System - Plates-formes 1993 14
Cool Spot Mega Drive - Genesis - Plates-formes 1993 16.7
Cool Spot Game Gear - Plates-formes 1993 15
Cool Spot Amiga - Plates-formes 1993 0
Cool World NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 0
Cool World 1993 0
Cosmic Spacehead Master System - Plates-formes 1993 0
Cosmic Spacehead Amiga - Aventure 1993 0
Cosmic Spacehead Game Gear - Plates-formes 1993 14
Cosmo Gang The Puzzle SNES - Puzzle game n/c 0
Cosmo Police Galivan II : Arrow of Justice n/c 0
Crash 'N' Burn 3DO - Course 1993 0
Crayon Shin-Chan : Arashi o Yobu Enji SNES - Plates-formes n/c 0
Crayon Shin-Chan : Ora to Poi Poi NES - Famicom - Puzzle game 1993 0
Crest of Wolf PC-Engine CD Rom - Beat\'em\'All n/c 10
Crystal Kingdom Dizzy 1993 0
Cybermorph Jaguar - Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 0
Cybernator 1993 15.5
Cyborg 009 Mega-CD - Sega CD - Plates-formes n/c 0
Cyborg Justice Master System - Beat\'em\'All 1993 16
D/Generation Amiga CD32 - Aventure 1993 0
Dai-3-Ji Super Robot Taisen n/c 0
Daibakushou : Jinsei Gekijou - DokiDoki Seishun... n/c 0
Daiku no Gen-San 2 : Akage no Dan no Gyakushuu NES - Famicom - Action 1993 0
Dangerous Streets Amiga CD32 - Combat 1993 2
Darius Force n/c 0
Darius Twin SNES - Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 15
Dark Wizard : Yomigaerishi Yami no Madoushi Mega-CD - Sega CD - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Darkmere : The Nightmare's Begun Amiga - Aventure 1993 0
Dashin' Desperadoes Master System - Action n/c 0
David Crane's Amazing Tennis Master System - Sport n/c 0
Davis Cup : Tennis Master System - Sport n/c 0
Davis Cup : World Tour Mega Drive - Genesis - Sport 1993 14
Day of the Tentacle 1993 0
Daze Before Christmas SNES - Plates-formes 1993 0
Death Brade n/c 0
Deep Core Amiga CD32 - Plates-formes 1993 0
Deep Duck Trouble Starring Donald Duck Master System - Plates-formes 1993 15.5
Defender Of The Crown II Amiga CD32 - Stratégie 1993 0
Dennis Amiga CD32 - Plates-formes 1993 0
Densetsu no Ogre Battle : The March of the Black... n/c 0
Desert Speedtrap : Starring Road Runner and Wile... Master System - Plates-formes 1993 0
Desert Speedtrap Starring Road Runner and Wile E.... Game Gear - Plates-formes 1993 15
Desert Strike Game Gear - Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 15
Desert Strike : Return to Gulf Amiga - Action 1993 0
Desert Strike : Return To The Gulf Lynx - Action 1993 0
Desert Strike : Wangan Sakusen Mega Drive - Genesis - Action 1993 0
Devastator Mega-CD - Sega CD - Action n/c 0
Devil's Course n/c 0
Diggers Amiga CD32 - Puzzle game 1993 0
Diggers & Oscar Amiga CD32 - Compilation 1993 0
Digital Comic - Patlabor : Chapter of Griffon PC-Engine CD Rom - Aventure n/c 0
Dinobasher : Starring Bignose the Caveman Master System - Plates-formes n/c 0
Disney's Aladdin Mega Drive - Genesis - Plates-formes 1993 18.4
Disney's Aladdin SNES - Plates-formes 1993 15.3
Disney's Beauty and the Beast : Belle's Quest Master System - Plates-formes n/c 0
Disney's Beauty and the Beast : Roar of the... Master System - Plates-formes n/c 0
Disney's Darkwing Duck NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 0
Disney's DuckTales 2 NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 0
Disney's DuckTales 2 : La Bande à Picsou NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 0
Disney's TaleSpin Game Gear - Plates-formes 1993 14
Dolucky no Kusayakiu n/c 0
Donald Duck no Yottsu no Hihou Game Gear - Plates-formes n/c 0
Doraemon 2 : Nobita no Toizurando Daibouken n/c 0
Doraemon : Nora no Suke no Yabou Game Gear - Plates-formes n/c 16
Doraemon : Yume Dorobou to 7 Nin no Gozans Master System - Plates-formes 1993 0
Double Clutch Mega Drive - Genesis - Course 1993 15
Double Dragon Lynx - Beat\'em\'All 1993 14
Double Dragon Game Gear - Beat\'em\'All n/c 0
Double Dragon 3 : The Arcade Game Mega Drive - Genesis - Beat\'em\'All 1993 0
Double Dragon II : The Revenge PC-Engine CD Rom - Beat\'em\'All n/c 0
Double Dragon: The Revenge of Billy Lee Game Gear - Beat\'em\'All 1993 12
Double Switch Mega-CD - Sega CD - Aventure 1993 16.5
Downtown Nekketsu Baseball Monogatari: Baseball... n/c 0
Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari PC-Engine CD Rom - Beat\'em\'All n/c 0
Dr Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine Mega Drive - Genesis - Puzzle game 1993 16.2
Dragon : The Bruce Lee Story Game Gear - Beat\'em\'All 1993 12
Dragon Ball Z 1993 15.3
Dragon Ball Z : Gaiden - Saiya Jin Zetsumetsu... NES - Famicom - Jeu de Rôle 1993 0
Dragon Quest I & II SNES - Compilation n/c 0
Dragon Slayer : Eiyuu Densetsu II n/c 0
Dragon's Earth n/c 0
Dragon's Lair 1993 12.5
Dual Orb n/c 0
Duck Tales 2 Game Boy - Plates-formes 1993 0
Dune II : The Battle for Arrakis Amiga - Stratégie 1993 20
Dungeon Explorer II PC-Engine CD Rom - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Dynamic Country Club Mega-CD - Sega CD - Sport 1993 0
Dynamic Stadium n/c 0
Earthworm Jim : Special Edition Mega-CD - Sega CD - Plates-formes 1993 17.5
Ecco : The Dolphin Mega-CD - Sega CD - Aventure 1993 18.3
Ecco The Dolphin Master System - Aventure 1993 14
Ecco The Dolphin Game Gear - Aventure 1993 14
Edo no Kiba n/c 0
Egawa Suguru no Super League CD Mega-CD - Sega CD - Sport n/c 0
Elfaria : A Fantastic Theater n/c 0
Eliminate Down Master System - Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 18
Elnard SNES - Jeu de Rôle 1993 0
Entity Amiga - Plates-formes 1993 17.5
Eric Cantona Football Challenge SNES - Sport 1993 15.5
Escape from Monster Manor 3DO - Survival-horror 1993 0
Estpolis Denki n/c 0
European Soccer Challenge Lynx - Sport 1993 0
EVO : Search for the Eden SNES - Action 1993 0
Ex-Ranza Master System - Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 0
Exhaust Heat SNES - Course 1993 17
Exhaust Heat II : F-1 Driver no Kiseki SNES - Course n/c 0
Exile : Wicked Phenomenon PC-Engine CD Rom - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
F-1 Grand Prix Part II 1993 0
F-1 Sensation NES - Famicom - Course 1993 0
F-117 : Night Storm Master System - Simulateur de vol 1993 0
F-15 : Strike Eagle II Master System - Simulateur de vol 1993 12
F-15 Strike Eagle 1993 0
F-15 Strike Eagle Game Gear - Simulateur de vol 1993 16
F1 Game Gear - Sport 1993 11
F1 : An Official Product of the FIA Formula One... Master System - Course 1993 0
F1 : An Official Product of the FIA Formula One... Mega Drive - Genesis - Sport 1993 18
F1 Pole Position 1993 0
F1 Pole Position 1993 0
Faceball PC-Engine CD Rom - Action n/c 0
Faceball 2000 Game Gear - Action n/c 15
Faceball : Taikenban PC-Engine CD Rom - Promotionnelle n/c 0
Family Dog SNES - Plates-formes 1993 0
Family Feud SNES - Quizz Game 1993 0
Famista ' 94 NES - Famicom - Sport 1993 0
Fantastic Dizzy Master System - Plates-formes 1993 16.5
Fantastic Dizzy Master System - Plates-formes n/c 0
Fantastic Dizzy Game Gear - Plates-formes 1993 14
Fantastic Night Dreams : Cotton PC-Engine CD Rom - Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 0
Fatal Fury Mega Drive - Genesis - Combat 1993 17
Fatal Fury SNES - Combat 1993 14.5
Fatal Fury : Special Neo Geo - Combat 1993 18.3
Fausseté Amour PC-Engine CD Rom - Plates-formes n/c 0
FC Genjin : Frekthoropus Computerus NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 0
Felix the Cat 1993 6
FIFA : International Soccer Mega Drive - Genesis - Sport 1993 17.3
Fighting Spirit : Tuff E Nuff SNES - Combat 1993 0
Final Fantasy : Mystic Quest 1993 16.4
Final Fantasy Adventure 1993 0
Final Fantasy Legend 3 1993 0
Final Fight 2 1993 0
Final Fight CD Mega-CD - Sega CD - Beat\'em\'All 1993 15.5
Final Set n/c 0
Final Stretch n/c 0
Fire Suplex Neo Geo - Sport n/c 13
Fire 'N Ice NES - Famicom - Puzzle game 1993 0
First Samurai 1993 0
Flash Hiders PC-Engine CD Rom - Combat n/c 0
Flashback Mega Drive - Genesis - Aventure 1993 18.1
Flashback 1993 16
Flashback : The Quest for Identity Amiga - Action 1993 16
Flashback : The Quest for Identity 3DO - Aventure 1993 16
Flashback : The Quest for Identity Master System - Aventure n/c 0
Flies : Attack on Earth Amiga - Aventure 1993 0
Football Fury 1993 0
Formula 1 : Sensation NES - Famicom - Course 1993 0
Formula One Game Gear - Sport n/c 0
Formula One Master System - Sport n/c 0
Franky, Joe & Dirk : On The Tiles Game Boy - Puzzle game 1993 12
Front Mission : Gun Hazard n/c 0
Frontier : Elite II Amiga CD32 - Simulateur de vol 1993 0
Frontier : Elite II Amiga - Simulation 1993 0
Fushigi no Umi Nadia : The Secret of Blue Water PC-Engine CD Rom - Aventure n/c 0
G-LOC : Air Battle Master System - Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 0
Gaegujangi Kkachi Master System - Plates-formes n/c 0
Galaxy Deka Gayvan PC-Engine CD Rom - Beat\'em\'All n/c 0
Garou Densetsu 2 : Arata Naru Tatakai Neo Geo - Combat 1993 16
Garou Densetsu : Shukumei No Tatakai Master System - Combat n/c 0
Garou Densetsu : Special Neo Geo - Combat 1993 18.3
Gauntlet Mega Drive - Genesis - Action 1993 0
Gauntlet IV Master System - Action 1993 16
Gear Works 1993 0
Gear Works Game Gear - Puzzle game n/c 11
General Chaos Master System - Stratégie 1993 0
Genesia Amiga - Stratégie 1993 0
Genghis Khan II : Clan Of The Gray Wolf Master System - Stratégie n/c 0
Gensou Tairiku Auleria PC-Engine CD Rom - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
George Foreman's KO Boxing Mega Drive - Genesis - Sport 1993 0
GG Aleste II Game Gear - Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 0
Global Gladiators Mega Drive - Genesis - Plates-formes 1993 15
Global Gladiators Game Gear - Plates-formes 1993 9
Goal ! 1993 0
Gods Mega Drive - Genesis - Plates-formes 1993 10
Gods 1993 15.3
Godzilla PC-Engine CD Rom - Combat n/c 0
Golden Axe III Master System - Beat\'em\'All n/c 11
Golf Classic 1993 0
Gordo 106 Lynx - Plates-formes 1993 0
GP Rider Master System - Course 1993 0
GP-1 1993 0
Greendog : The Beached Surfer Dude ! Game Gear - Plates-formes n/c 12
Guardian War 3DO - Jeu de Rôle 1993 0
Gunstar Heroes Mega Drive - Genesis - Action 1993 18.2
Hammerin' Harry 1993 0
Haunting Starring Polterguy Mega Drive - Genesis - Action 1993 15.3
Hawaiian Island Girls PC-Engine CD Rom - Slide Show n/c 0
Hey Punk! Are you Tuff E Nuff? 1993 0
Himitsu no Hanazono PC-Engine CD Rom - Simulation n/c 0
Hired Guns Amiga - Action 1993 0
Historyline 1914-1918 Amiga - Stratégie 1993 0
Hit The Ice : VHL - The Official Video Hockey... Master System - Sport n/c 0
Home Alone Master System - Plates-formes 1993 0
Home Alone Game Gear - Action 1993 5
Home Alone 2 : Lost in New York Master System - Plates-formes n/c 0
Honoo no Doukyuuji : Dodge Danpei 2 NES - Famicom - Sport 1993 0
Hook Master System - Plates-formes 1993 0
Hook Mega-CD - Sega CD - Plates-formes 1993 9
Horror Story PC-Engine CD Rom - Plates-formes n/c 0
Hoshi no Kirby : Yume no Izumi no Monogatari NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 0
Iga Ninden Gaou PC-Engine CD Rom - Plates-formes n/c 0
Igo-Shinan ' 94 NES - Famicom - Jeu de société 1993 0
Illusion City Mega-CD - Sega CD - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade (Ubi Soft) NES - Famicom - Action 1993 0
Indiana Jones Et La Dernière Croisade NES - Famicom - Action 1993 0
Instruments of Chaos Starring ... Young Indiana... Master System - Action n/c 0
International Open Golf Championship Amiga CD32 - Sport 1993 0
International Rugby Master System - Sport 1993 10
International Rugby 1993 0
Ishar 2 : Messengers of Doom 1993 0
J-League Greatest Eleven PC-Engine Hu-Card - Sport n/c 0
J. League : Champion Soccer Master System - Sport n/c 0
J.League : Fighting Soccer - The King Of Ace... NES - Famicom - Sport 1993 0
J.League : Official Tv Game - Pro Striker Master System - Sport n/c 0
J.League : Official Tv Game - Pro Striker -... Master System - Sport n/c 0
Jack Nicklaus' Power Challenge Golf Master System - Sport 1993 8
Jaguar XJ220 Mega-CD - Sega CD - Course 1993 0
James Bond 007 : The Duel Master System - Action 1993 14
James Bond 007 : The Duel Mega Drive - Genesis - Action 1993 12.5
James Bond 007: The Duel Game Gear - Action 1993 8
James Pond 2 : Codename RoboCod Game Gear - Plates-formes 1993 16
James Pond 2: Robocod Amiga CD32 - Plates-formes 1993 0
James Pond 3 Mega Drive - Genesis - Plates-formes 1993 14
James Pond II Master System - Plates-formes n/c 0
James Pond II : Codename RoboCod Game Gear - Plates-formes n/c 0
James Pond II : Robocod (AGA) Amiga - Plates-formes 1993 0
Jango World Cup Mega-CD - Sega CD - Mahjong n/c 0
Janou Touryuumon Master System - Mahjong n/c 0
Jantei Monogatari 3 : Saver Angels PC-Engine CD Rom - Mahjong n/c 0
Jashin Draxos Master System - Plates-formes n/c 0
Jeopardy ! Game Gear - Quizz Game 1993 8
Jeopardy ! Master System - Quizz Game 1993 0
Jeopardy ! : Deluxe Edition Master System - Quizz Game 1993 0
Jim Power PC-Engine CD Rom - Plates-formes n/c 0
Jimmy Connors Tennis NES - Famicom - Sport 1993 0
Jimmy Connors' Tennis Lynx - Sport 1993 0
Joe & Mac : Caveman Ninja 1993 0
Joe Montana's NFL Football Mega-CD - Sega CD - Sport n/c 0
John Madden : Duo CD Football PC-Engine CD Rom - Sport n/c 0
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure n/c 0
Jordan Vs Bird : One on One Master System - Sport 1993 0
Joy Mech Fight NES - Famicom - Beat\'em\'All 1993 0
Jungle Strike : The Sequel to Desert Strike Mega Drive - Genesis - Action 1993 13
Jungle Strike : Uketsugareta Kyouki Master System - Action n/c 0
Jurassic Park Master System - Action 1993 0
Jurassic Park NES - Famicom - Action 1993 0
Jurassic Park Mega Drive - Genesis - Plates-formes 1993 13
Jurassic Park SNES - Aventure 1993 14.6
Jurassic Park Game Gear - Action 1993 18.5
Jurassic Park 1993 15
Jurassic Park Mega-CD - Sega CD - Point & click 1993 0
Jurassic Park Amiga - Action 1993 0
Kaiketsu Yancha Maru 3 : Taiketsu ! Zouringen NES - Famicom - Action 1993 0
Kamen Rider SD : GranShocker no Yabou NES - Famicom - Jeu de société 1993 0
Keiou Yuugekitai Mega-CD - Sega CD - Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 0
Kero Kero Keroppi no Daibouken 2 : Donuts Ike ha... NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 0
Keroppi to Keroriinu no Splash Bomb ! NES - Famicom - Puzzle game 1993 0
Kether 1993 10
Kick & Rush Game Gear - Sport n/c 0
Kick Off 1993 0
Kid Dracula 1993 16
Kid Klown In Night Mayor World NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 0
Kid's Station vol n°=1 : Minna no Machi PC-Engine CD Rom - Educatif n/c 0
Kid's Station vol n°=2 : Acchi Kocchi Docchi PC-Engine CD Rom - Educatif n/c 0
Kid's Station vol n°=3 : Kodomo no Asobi PC-Engine CD Rom - Educatif n/c 0
Kid's Station vol n°=4 PC-Engine CD Rom - Educatif n/c 0
Kid's Station vol n°=5 : Fushigi na Shima PC-Engine CD Rom - Educatif n/c 0
Kid's Station vol n°=6 : Kotoba Asobi PC-Engine CD Rom - Educatif n/c 0
King Arthur's World 1993 15.5
King of The Monsters Mega Drive - Genesis - Combat 1993 8.5
Kirby's Adventure NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 16
Kirby's Pinball Land Game Boy - Flipper 1993 16
Kisou Louga PC-Engine CD Rom - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Kiyuu Kiyoku Mahjong : Idol Graphics Volume 2 PC-Engine Hu-Card - Mahjong n/c 0
Kouryu Densetsu Villgust Gaiden NES - Famicom - Jeu de Rôle 1993 0
Krazy Ace Miniature Golf Lynx - Homebrew 1993 0
Krusty's Fun House Amiga - Plates-formes 1993 0
Krusty's Fun House Game Gear - Plates-formes 1993 15
Kunio-Kun no Nekketsu Soccer League NES - Famicom - Sport 1993 0
Lamborghini american challenge SNES - Course 1993 0
Lamborghini American Challenge Game Boy - Course 1993 0
Land of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse Game Gear - Plates-formes 1993 16.5
Landstalker Master System - Jeu de Rôle 1993 18.3
Landstalker : The Treasures of King Nole Master System - Jeu de Rôle 1993 0
Langrisser : Hikari no Matsuei PC-Engine CD Rom - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Laplace no Ma PC-Engine CD Rom - Aventure n/c 0
Laser Soft Visual Collection Volume.1 : Cosmic... PC-Engine CD Rom - Slide Show n/c 0
Laser Soft Visual Collection Volume.2 : Valis... PC-Engine CD Rom - Slide Show n/c 0
Last Action Hero 1993 12
Last Action Hero 1993 0
Last Action Hero NES - Famicom - Beat\'em\'All 1993 0
Last Action Hero Game Gear - Action n/c 8
Last Action Hero Master System - Action n/c 0
Legend of Faerghail :Topshots Deluxe Amiga - Jeu de Rôle 1993 0
Lemmings NES - Famicom - Puzzle game 1993 0
Lemmings Lynx - Réflexion 1993 18
Lemmings 1993 0
Lemmings 2 : The Tribes Amiga - Réflexion 1993 0
Lemmings 2 : The Tribes Atari ST - Réflexion 1993 0
Lethal Enforcers Mega-CD - Sega CD - Tir 1993 0
Lethal Enforcers Master System - Course 1993 0
Lethal Weapon 1993 0
Lethal Weapon NES - Famicom - Beat\'em\'All 1993 0
Lethal Weapon : L' Arme Fatale NES - Famicom - Beat\'em\'All 1993 10
Link : The Faces of Evil 1993 6
Lock On SNES - Tir 1993 0
Lords of Thunder PC-Engine CD Rom - Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 18
Lotus II Master System - Course n/c 0
Lotus II : R.E.C.S. -... Master System - Course 1993 0
Lufia & the Fortress of Doom n/c 14
Mad Dog Mc Cree Mega-CD - Sega CD - Tir 1993 0
Madden NFL ' 94 Master System - Sport 1993 0
Madou Monogatari I : 3tsu no Madoukyuu Game Gear - Jeu de Rôle n/c 15
Magic Sword SNES - Beat\'em\'All 1993 17
Magicoal PC-Engine CD Rom - Action n/c 0
Mahjong Clinic Special PC-Engine CD Rom - Mahjong n/c 0
Mahjong on the Beach PC-Engine CD Rom - Mahjong n/c 0
Major Title SNES - Sport 1993 16
Make My Video : INXS Mega-CD - Sega CD - Musique 1993 0
Make My Video : Kris Kross Mega-CD - Sega CD - Musique 1993 15
Malibu Bikini Volleyball Lynx - Sport 1993 0
Mamono Hunter Youko : Tooki Yobigoe PC-Engine CD Rom - Aventure n/c 0
Mansion of Hidden Souls Mega-CD - Sega CD - Aventure n/c 0
Mario Is Missing ! NES - Famicom - Educatif 1993 0
Mario Is Missing ! : A Geography Learning... NES - Famicom - Educatif 1993 0
Mario is Missing! SNES - Autres 1993 10
Martial Champion PC-Engine CD Rom - Combat n/c 0
Master Games 1 Master System - Compilation 1993 0
Master of Darkness Game Gear - Plates-formes 1993 17
Masters of Combat Master System - Combat 1993 0
Mazin Saga Master System - Beat\'em\'All n/c 0
Mazin Saga : Mutant Fighter Master System - Beat\'em\'All n/c 0
Mazin Wars Master System - Beat\'em\'All 1993 14.5
Mazinger Z SNES - Plates-formes 1993 15
McDonaldLand NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 10.5
Mechwarrior SNES - Simulation 1993 0
Mega Games 2 Mega Drive - Genesis - Compilation 1993 19
Mega Games 3 Master System - Compilation 1993 0
Mega Man 4 NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 18
Mega Man 5 NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 0
Mega Man IV 1993 12
Mega Schwarzschild Mega-CD - Sega CD - Stratégie n/c 0
Mega-Lo-Mania Master System - Stratégie 1993 12
MegaLoMania Master System - Stratégie n/c 0
Metal Angel PC-Engine CD Rom - Simulation n/c 0
Metal Combat : Falcon's Revenge SNES - Course 1993 0
Metal Fangs Master System - Course n/c 0
Metamor Jupiter PC-Engine CD Rom - Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 0
Mezase ! Top Pro : Green ni Kakeru Yume NES - Famicom - Sport 1993 0
Mickey Mouse no Mahou no Crystal Game Gear - Plates-formes n/c 0
Mickey's Safari In Letterland NES - Famicom - Educatif 1993 0
Micro Machines Master System - Course 1993 14
Micro Machines Mega Drive - Genesis - Course 1993 18
Micro Machines 1993 16
Micro Machines Game Gear - Course 1993 18
Micro Machines Amiga - Course 1993 0
Microcosm Mega-CD - Sega CD - Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 10
MIG 29 : Soviet Fighter NES - Famicom - Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 0
Mig-29 : Fighter Pilot Master System - Simulation 1993 0
Might and Magic III : Isles of Terra PC-Engine CD Rom - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Might and Magic III : Isles of Terra Mega-CD - Sega CD - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Mighty Final Fight NES - Famicom - Beat\'em\'All 1993 0
Milon's Secret Castle 1993 12
Mindshadow 1993 0
Momotarou Densetsu : Gaiden NES - Famicom - Jeu de Rôle 1993 0
Monster Truck Wars Game Gear - Course 1993 14
Moonlight Lady PC-Engine CD Rom - Action n/c 0
Morph Amiga CD32 - Plates-formes 1993 0
Mortal Kombat Master System - Combat 1993 15
Mortal Kombat Mega Drive - Genesis - Combat 1993 14
Mortal Kombat SNES - Combat 1993 13.5
Mortal Kombat Game Boy - Combat 1993 4
Mortal Kombat Mega-CD - Sega CD - Combat 1993 15
Mortal Kombat Game Gear - Combat 1993 17
Mortal Kombat Amiga - Combat 1993 0
Mortal Kombat : Kanzen-ban Game Gear - Combat n/c 0
Mortal Kombat : Kanzen-han Mega-CD - Sega CD - Combat n/c 0
Mortal Kombat : Shinken Kourin Densetsu SNES - Combat n/c 0
Movie Collection n°=30 : The Addams Family -... Amstrad-CPC 464 - Plates-formes 1993 0
Mr.Gimmick NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 0
Ms. Pac-Man 1993 0
Ms. Pac-Man Game Gear - Action n/c 18
Mutant League : Football Master System - Sport 1993 0
My Paint : The Animated Paint Program Mega-CD - Sega CD - Autres n/c 0
Mystic Formula PC-Engine CD Rom - Action n/c 0
Mystic Quest Game Boy - Action 1993 17.5
Nakayoshi to Issho NES - Famicom - Aventure 1993 0
Nazo Puyo Game Gear - Puzzle game n/c 17
Nazo Puyo 2 Game Gear - Puzzle game n/c 17
NBA All Star Challenge Mega Drive - Genesis - Sport 1993 0
NBA Jam 1993 18
NBA Playoffs : Bulls Vs Blazers Master System - Sport n/c 0
NBA Pro Basketball : Bulls vs Lakers Master System - Sport n/c 0
Nekketsu ! Street Basket : Ganbare Dunk Heroes NES - Famicom - Sport 1993 0
Nemurenu Yoru no Chiisana Ohanashi PC-Engine CD Rom - Aventure n/c 0
New 3D Golf Simulation : Harukanaru Augusta Master System - Sport n/c 0
New 3D Golf Simulation : Harukanaru Augusta SNES - Sport 1993 0
New 3D Golf Simulation : Pebble Beach no Hatou Master System - Sport n/c 0
NFL : Football Trivia Challenge Mega-CD - Sega CD - Quizz Game n/c 0
NFL Football ' 94 Starring Joe Montana Master System - Sport n/c 0
NFL Quarterback Club 1993 10
NFL's Greatest : San Francisco Vs. Dallas... Mega-CD - Sega CD - Sport n/c 0
NHL Hockey 94 Master System - Sport 1993 19
NHL Hockey '94 Mega-CD - Sega CD - Sport 1993 10
NHL Hockey '94 n/c 0
NHL '94 Mega-CD - Sega CD - Sport n/c 0
NHLPA Hockey 93 1993 0
Nigel Mansell's World Championship Amiga CD32 - Sport 1993 0
Nigel Mansell's World Championship SNES - Course 1993 0
Nigel Mansell's World Championship NES - Famicom - Course 1993 0
Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing NES - Famicom - Course 1993 0
Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing Master System - Sport 1993 0
Night Striker Mega-CD - Sega CD - Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 0
Night Trap Mega-CD - Sega CD - Aventure 1993 17.1
Ninja Boy 2 1993 0
Nobunaga no Yabou : Bushou Fuuunroku PC-Engine CD Rom - Stratégie n/c 0
Nobunaga no Yabou : Zenkoku Ban Master System - Stratégie n/c 0
Nobunaga no Yabou : Zenkokuban PC-Engine CD Rom - Stratégie n/c 0
Olympique de Marseille 1993 0
On the Ball 1993 0
Operation Stealth : Kixx XL Amiga - Point & click 1993 0
Oscar Amiga CD32 - Plates-formes 1993 0
Othello 1993 0
Out of this World 3DO - Aventure 1993 0
Out Of This World Master System - Plates-formes n/c 0
Out to Lunch SNES - Plates-formes 1993 14
Out to Lunch 1993 6
Outlander Master System - Action n/c 0
OutRun 2019 Master System - Course 1993 12
Overkill & Lunar-C Amiga CD32 - Compilation 1993 0
Overlord NES - Famicom - Stratégie 1993 0
P.T.O. : Pacific Theater of Operations Master System - Stratégie n/c 0
Pac-Attack SNES - Puzzle game 1993 0
Pac-Attack Master System - Puzzle game n/c 0
Pac-Man (Namco) NES - Famicom - Action 1993 6
Pac-Panic Master System - Puzzle game 1993 0
Pachi-Slot Adventure 2 : Sorotta Kun no Pachi... NES - Famicom - Casino 1993 0
Pachio-Kun 5 : Jr no Chousen NES - Famicom - Casino 1993 0
Pang 1993 0
Panic ! Mega-CD - Sega CD - Puzzle game n/c 0
Paperboy 2 Game Gear - Action n/c 14
Party Quiz : Mega Q Master System - Quizz Game n/c 0
Pc Engine : Hyper Catalog 2 PC-Engine CD Rom - Promotionnelle n/c 0
Pc Engine : Hyper Catalog 3 PC-Engine CD Rom - Promotionnelle n/c 0
Pc Engine : Hyper Catalog 4 - Winter 1993 PC-Engine CD Rom - Promotionnelle n/c 0
PC Genjin : Pithecanthropus Computerurus 3 PC-Engine Hu-Card - Plates-formes n/c 0
PGA : Tour Golf Master System - Sport 1993 0
PGA TOUR : Golf Game Gear - Sport 1993 15
PGA TOUR : Golf II Master System - Sport 1993 0
Phantasy Star : Sennenki no Owari ni Master System - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Pilotwings 1993 16
Pinball Fantasies Amiga CD32 - Flipper 1993 0
Pink Goes To Hollywood Master System - Plates-formes 1993 0
Pirates ! Gold Master System - Point & click n/c 0
Plok ! 1993 16.3
Pocky & Rocky SNES - Action 1993 17
Poker Face Paul's Blackjack Game Gear - Jeu de cartes n/c 12
Poker Face Paul's Poker Game Gear - Jeu de cartes n/c 11
Police Connection PC-Engine CD Rom - Jeu de société n/c 0
Populous 1993 0
Pop'n Twinbee 1993 16
Power Factory Featuring C&C Music Factory Mega-CD - Sega CD - Musique 1993 0
Power League ' 93 PC-Engine Hu-Card - Sport n/c 0
Power Strike II Master System - Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 17
Power Strike II Game Gear - Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 18.5
Power Tennis PC-Engine Hu-Card - Sport n/c 0
PowerMonger Mega Drive - Genesis - Simulation 1993 0
Prehistorik 2 Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Plates-formes 1993 0
Prehistorik 2 Amstrad-CPC 464 - Plates-formes 1993 0
Prince Of Persia NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 0
Prince of Persia 1993 15.3
Prince of Persia Mega-CD - Sega CD - Plates-formes 1993 0
Prince of Persia Master System - Plates-formes 1993 0
Prince of Persia 2 : The Shadow and the Flame 1993 16
Pro Sport Hockey NES - Famicom - Sport 1993 0
Pro Yakyuu GG League Game Gear - Sport n/c 16
Psychic Detective Series Vol. 3 : Aya Mega-CD - Sega CD - Aventure n/c 0
Psychic Detective Series Vol. 4 : Orgel PC-Engine CD Rom - Aventure n/c 0
Psychic Detective Series Vol. 4 : Orgel Mega-CD - Sega CD - Aventure n/c 0
Puggsy Mega-CD - Sega CD - Plates-formes 1993 16
Puyo Puyo Game Gear - Puzzle game n/c 18
Puyo Puyo NES - Famicom - Puzzle game 1993 0
Pyokotan no Dai Meiro NES - Famicom - Aventure 1993 0
Quattro Adventure NES - Famicom - Compilation 1993 0
Quattro Power Machines Atari ST - Compilation 1993 0
Quest for the Shaven Yak Starring Ren Hoëk... Master System - Plates-formes n/c 0
Quiz Caravan : Cult Q PC-Engine CD Rom - Quizz Game n/c 0
Quiz de Gakuensai PC-Engine CD Rom - Quizz Game n/c 0
R.B.I. Baseball ' 93 Master System - Sport n/c 0
Race Drivin' 1993 0
Race Drivin' Master System - Simulation n/c 0
Racing Aces Mega-CD - Sega CD - Course n/c 0
Rackets & Rivals NES - Famicom - Sport 1993 0
Raging Fighter 1993 4
Raiden Trad Master System - Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 0
Rainbow Islands PC-Engine CD Rom - Plates-formes n/c 0
Rainbow Islands : Story Of The Bubble Bobble 2 Master System - Plates-formes 1993 0
Ranger X Mega Drive - Genesis - Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 16.3
Ranma ½ : Byakuran Aika Mega-CD - Sega CD - Aventure n/c 0
Redline F-1 Racer SNES - Course 1993 0
Renegade Master System - Beat\'em\'All 1993 0
Revenge of the Ninja Mega-CD - Sega CD - Aventure n/c 0
Riot Zone PC-Engine CD Rom - Beat\'em\'All n/c 0
Road Avenger Mega-CD - Sega CD - Action 1993 14.3
Road Rash II Mega Drive - Genesis - Course 1993 16.3
Road Runner's Death Valley Rally 1993 10
Robin Hood : Legend Quest Amstrad-CPC 464 - Plates-formes 1993 0
Robo Aleste Mega-CD - Sega CD - Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 15
Robocop 3 Master System - Action 1993 9
RoboCop 3 Master System - Action 1993 0
Robocop 3 Game Gear - Action 1993 9
Robocop Versus The Terminator Master System - Action 1993 11
RoboCop Versus The Terminator Mega Drive - Genesis - Action 1993 0
RoboCop vs. Terminator 1993 15
Rock Man X n/c 0
Rocket Knight Adventures Mega Drive - Genesis - Plates-formes 1993 17.5
Rockman 6 : Shijou Saidai no Tatakai ! ! NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 0
Rock'n Roll Racing 1993 14.5
Rodland NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 0
RodLand Game Boy - Plates-formes 1993 0
Rodland - Kixx Amstrad-CPC 464 - Plates-formes 1993 0
Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball Master System - Sport n/c 0
Rokudenashi Blues NES - Famicom - Jeu de Rôle 1993 0
Rollerblade Racer : The Most Radical Race On... NES - Famicom - Sport 1993 0
Rolling Thunder 2 Master System - Action 1993 16.5
Rolling Thunder 3 Master System - Action n/c 0
Rolo to the Rescue Master System - Plates-formes 1993 16
Ruin : Kami no Isan PC-Engine CD Rom - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Run Saber SNES - Plates-formes 1993 0
Rushing Beat Shura n/c 17
Ryder Cup : Johnnie Walker Amiga CD32 - Sport 1993 0
Samurai Shodown Neo Geo - Combat n/c 17.3
Samurai Spirits Neo Geo - Combat n/c 17.3
Sangokushi III PC-Engine CD Rom - Stratégie n/c 0
Sangokushi III Mega-CD - Sega CD - Stratégie n/c 0
Sanrio Carnival 2 NES - Famicom - Puzzle game 1993 0
SD Gundam : Gundam Wars NES - Famicom - Jeu de Rôle 1993 0
SD Gundam : Winner's History Game Gear - Stratégie n/c 12
Second Samurai Amiga - Action 1993 0
Sega Classics : Arcade Collection - Limited... Mega-CD - Sega CD - Compilation 1993 0
Sega Classics Arcade Collection & Ecco : The... Mega-CD - Sega CD - Compilation n/c 0
Sega World Tournament Golf Master System - Sport 1993 0
Sengoku 2 Neo Geo - Beat\'em\'All 1993 14.8
Sengoku Denshou Mega-CD - Sega CD - Beat\'em\'All n/c 0
Sengoku Denshou 2 Neo Geo - Beat\'em\'All 1993 14.8
Sensible Soccer Mega-CD - Sega CD - Sport 1993 15
Sensible Soccer : European Champions Amiga CD32 - Sport 1993 0
Sensible Soccer : European Champions 1993 0
Sensible Soccer : European Champions Master System - Sport 1993 0
Sensible Soccer : European Champions Game Gear - Sport 1993 12
Sewer Shark Mega-CD - Sega CD - Action 1993 0
Sexy Idol Mahjong PC-Engine CD Rom - Mahjong n/c 0
Shanghai II Dragon's Eye n/c 0
Sherlock Holmes : Consulting Detective Mega-CD - Sega CD - Aventure 1993 8
Sherlock Holmes : Consulting Detective - Volume 2 PC-Engine CD Rom - Aventure n/c 0
Sherlock Holmes : Consulting Detective Vol.II Mega-CD - Sega CD - Aventure 1993 0
Sherlock Holmes no Tantei Kouza II PC-Engine CD Rom - Aventure n/c 0
Shin Megami Tensei PC-Engine CD Rom - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Shining Force Master System - Jeu de Rôle 1993 17.3
Shining Force Gaiden II : Jashin no Mezame Game Gear - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Shining Force II : Inishie no Fuuin Master System - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Shinobi III : Return of the Ninja Master Mega Drive - Genesis - Plates-formes 1993 18.3
Shockwave 2 : Beyond the Gate 3DO - Action 1993 0
Silpheed Mega-CD - Sega CD - Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 17.1
SimEarth Mega-CD - Sega CD - Simulation n/c 0
SimEarth : The Living Planet PC-Engine CD Rom - Stratégie n/c 0
Slap Fight - MD Master System - Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 0
Sleepwalker Amiga CD32 - Plates-formes 1993 0
Sleepwalker & Pinball Fantasies Amiga CD32 - Compilation n/c 0
Smash T.V - The Hit Squad Amiga - Action 1993 0
Snake Rattle n' Roll Master System - Action 1993 0
Snow Bros. : Nick & Tom Master System - Puzzle game n/c 0
Socket Master System - Plates-formes n/c 0
Sol-Feace Mega-CD - Sega CD - Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 14
Soldiers of Fortune 1993 0
Soldiers of Fortune Master System - Action n/c 0
Solomon's Key 2 NES - Famicom - Puzzle game 1993 17.5
Sonic & Tails Game Gear - Plates-formes n/c 0
Sonic : CD Mega-CD - Sega CD - Plates-formes 1993 17.9
Sonic : Spinball Master System - Flipper n/c 0
Sonic the Hedgehog : CD Mega-CD - Sega CD - Plates-formes n/c 0
Sonic The Hedgehog : Chaos Master System - Plates-formes 1993 15.5
Sonic The Hedgehog : Chaos Game Gear - Plates-formes 1993 15.8
Sonic The Hedgehog : Spinball Mega Drive - Genesis - Flipper 1993 14.8
Sonic Wings SNES - Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 0
Sorcerer's Kingdom Master System - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Sotsugyou : Graduation PC-Engine CD Rom - Simulation n/c 0
Space Ace 1993 0
Space Funky B.O.B. Master System - Action n/c 0
Speedy Gonzales 1993 17.5
Spider-Man / X-Men : Arcade's Revenge Mega Drive - Genesis - Action 1993 0
Spider-Man 3 : Invasion of the Spider-Slayers 1993 0
Spider-Man : Return of The Sinister Six Game Gear - Plates-formes 1993 12
Spider-Man and the X-Men : Arcade's Revenge SNES - Action 1993 0
Spindizzy Worlds 1993 0
Splatterhouse - Part 3 Master System - Beat\'em\'All n/c 0
Splatterhouse 3 Master System - Beat\'em\'All n/c 12
Sports Football Amiga CD32 - Sport n/c 0
Star Trek : The Next Generation NES - Famicom - Stratégie 1993 0
Star Trek : The Next Generation 1993 0
Star Wars Master System - Plates-formes 1993 0
Star Wars Game Gear - Plates-formes 1993 15
Star Wars : Teikoku no Gyakushuu NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 0
StarFox : Super Weekend SNES - Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 0
Startling Odyssey PC-Engine CD Rom - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Starwing SNES - Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 16
Starwing : Competition SNES - Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 0
Stellar-Fire Mega-CD - Sega CD - Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 0
Street Fighter II Turbo 1993 18.3
Street Fighter II ' : Champion Edition PC-Engine Hu-Card - Combat n/c 0
Street Fighter II ' : Plus - Champion Edition Master System - Combat n/c 0
Street Fighter II ' : Special Champion Edition Mega Drive - Genesis - Combat 1993 15
Streets of Rage Master System - Beat\'em\'All 1993 15.3
Streets of Rage II Mega Drive - Genesis - Beat\'em\'All 1993 18.3
Streets of Rage II Game Gear - Beat\'em\'All 1993 18.5
Strider II Master System - Plates-formes 1993 0
Strider Returns : Journey From Darkness Game Gear - Plates-formes 1993 12
Strider Returns : Journey From Darkness Master System - Plates-formes n/c 0
Strip Fighter II PC-Engine Hu-Card - Adultes n/c 0
Summer Carnival '93 : Nexzr Special - The 3rd... PC-Engine CD Rom - Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 0
Summer Challenge Master System - Sport 1993 0
Sunset Riders 1993 17
Sunset Riders Master System - Action 1993 17.5
Super Air Diver SNES - Tir 1993 13
Super Air Zonk : Rockabilly Paradise PC-Engine CD Rom - Shoot\'em\'Up n/c 0
Super Baseball 2020 Mega Drive - Genesis - Sport 1993 14
Super Baseball 2020 SNES - Sport 1993 0
Super Bomberman SNES - Action 1993 17.5
Super Cauldron Atari ST - Plates-formes 1993 0
Super Cauldron Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Plates-formes 1993 0
Super Cauldron Amstrad-CPC 464 - Plates-formes 1993 0
Super Darius II PC-Engine CD Rom - Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 0
Super Double Dragon 1993 18
Super Fantasy Zone Mega Drive - Genesis - Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 16
Super Formation Soccer II n/c 0
Super Goal ! SNES - Sport 1993 0
Super H.Q Master System - Action n/c 0
Super James Pond SNES - Plates-formes 1993 0
Super Kick Off Mega Drive - Genesis - Sport 1993 0
Super Mario All Stars SNES - Compilation 1993 19
Super Mario Kart 1993 17.3
Super Mario Land 2 : 6 Golden Coins Game Boy - Plates-formes 1993 17.8
Super Off Road Master System - Course 1993 0
Super Off Road Lynx - Course 1993 0
Super Off Road 1993 0
Super Off Road Game Gear - Course 1993 16
Super Real Mahjong P IV : Custom PC-Engine CD Rom - Mahjong 1993 0
Super Smash TV 1993 14
Super Spy Hunter NES - Famicom - Action 1993 18
Super Star Wars 1993 18
Super Strike Eagle SNES - Simulateur de vol 1993 0
Super Swiv 1993 0
Super Turrican NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 0
Super Turrican SNES - Action 1993 18
Superfrog Amiga - Plates-formes 1993 19
Superman : The Man Of Steel Master System - Action 1993 9.5
Superman : The Man Of Steel Game Gear - Action 1993 4
Surf Ninjas Game Gear - Beat\'em\'All n/c 10
Swap Atari ST - Puzzle game 1993 0
Switch Mega-CD - Sega CD - Puzzle game n/c 0
Sword Master PC-Engine CD Rom - Jeu de Rôle 1993 0
Sylphia PC-Engine CD Rom - Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 0
Syndicate Amiga - Stratégie 1993 0
T2 - Terminator 2 : Judgment Day Game Gear - Action 1993 9
T2 - Terminator 2 : Judgment Day Master System - Action 1993 0
T2 : Terminator 2 - Judgment Day Master System - Action 1993 0
T2 : The Arcade Game Mega Drive - Genesis - Tir 1993 0
T2 : The Arcade Game Game Gear - Tir 1993 16
Tadaima Yusha Boshuuchuu PC-Engine CD Rom - Jeu de Rôle 1993 0
Taikou Risshiden Master System - Stratégie n/c 0
Taisen Mahjong HaoPai 2 Game Gear - Mahjong n/c 12
Taz-Mania 1993 15
TechnoClash Master System - Action 1993 0
Tecmo : Super Bowl Master System - Sport 1993 0
Tecmo Super NBA Basketball 1993 18
Tecmo World Cup '93 Master System - Sport 1993 0
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles : The Hyperstone... Mega Drive - Genesis - Beat\'em\'All 1993 16.5
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles : Tournament Fighters NES - Famicom - Combat 1993 0
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles : Tournament Fighters Master System - Combat 1993 0
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Tournament... Master System - Combat n/c 0
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III : Radical Rescue 1993 16
Tengai Makyou : Fuun Kabuki Den PC-Engine CD Rom - Jeu de Rôle 1993 0
Tengen World Cup Soccer Game Gear - Sport 1993 16
Tenshi no Uta II : Datenshi no Sentaku PC-Engine CD Rom - Jeu de Rôle 1993 0
Terminator 2 : Judgment Day 1993 0
Terminator 2 : Judgment Day - The Hit Squad Atari ST - Action 1993 0
Tesserae 1993 0
Tetris 2 NES - Famicom - Puzzle game 1993 0
Tetris Flash NES - Famicom - Puzzle game 1993 0
The 7th Guest 1993 0
The 7th Guest CD-i - Aventure 1993 0
The 7th Saga SNES - Jeu de Rôle 1993 15.5
The Addams Family Master System - Plates-formes 1993 0
The Addams Family - The Hit Squad Amiga - Plates-formes 1993 0
The Addams Family : Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 0
The Addams Family: Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt 1993 0
The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and... SNES - Plates-formes 1993 0
The Adventures Of Willy Beamish Mega-CD - Sega CD - Plates-formes n/c 0
The Amazing Spiderman Vs the Kingpin Mega-CD - Sega CD - Plates-formes 1993 0
The Ancient Art of War in the Skies 1993 0
The Berenstain Bears: On Their Own CD-i - Educatif n/c 0
The Billiard Congress of America Presents :... Master System - Sport n/c 0
The Billiard Congress Of America Presents... NES - Famicom - Sport 1993 0
The Blues Brothers SNES - Plates-formes 1993 0
The Chaos Engine Mega Drive - Genesis - Action 1993 0
The Chaos Engine Amiga CD32 - Action 1993 12
The Chaos Engine 1993 0
The Combatribes 1993 0
The Daedalus Encounter 3DO - Aventure 1993 0
The Duel : Test Drive II - The Hit Squad Atari ST - Simulation 1993 0
The Fantastic Adventures Of Dizzy NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 0
The Fantastic Adventures Of Dizzy - Aladdin... NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 0
The Flash Master System - Plates-formes n/c 11.7
The Flintstones Master System - Plates-formes 1993 13
The Flintstones Master System - Plates-formes 1993 0
The Game of Life : RPG Jinsei Game NES - Famicom - Jeu de société 1993 0
The Gorilla Man NES - Famicom - Jeu de société 1993 0
The Greatest Amiga - Compilation 1993 0
The Heroic Legend of Arslan Mega-CD - Sega CD - Jeu de Rôle 1993 0
The Incredible Crash Dummies Master System - Action 1993 0
The Kick Boxing Master System - Sport n/c 0
The Killing Game Show Master System - Plates-formes n/c 0
The Legend of Zelda : Link's Awakening 1993 18.6
The Local Girls of Hawaii PC-Engine CD Rom - Slide Show n/c 0
The Lost Vikings Mega Drive - Genesis - Plates-formes 1993 16
The Lost Vikings SNES - Plates-formes 1993 16.5
The Ninja Warriors Mega-CD - Sega CD - Beat\'em\'All n/c 0
The Ottifants Master System - Plates-formes 1993 0
The Ottifants Master System - Plates-formes 1993 0
The Ottifants Game Gear - Plates-formes 1993 12
The Ren & Stimpy Show : Buckeroo$ ! NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 0
The Secret of Monkey Island Mega-CD - Sega CD - Point & click n/c 0
The Secret of Monkey Island : Ghost Pirate Mayhem... Mega-CD - Sega CD - Point & click n/c 0
The Simpsons : Bart Vs The Space Mutants Game Gear - Plates-formes 1993 4
The Simpsons : Bart Vs The Space Mutants - The... Amiga - Plates-formes 1993 0
The Simpsons : Bart Vs The World Game Gear - Plates-formes 1993 8
The Simpsons : Bart Vs The World Master System - Plates-formes 1993 0
The Simpsons : Bartman Meets Radioactive Man Game Gear - Plates-formes n/c 12
The Simpsons : Bart's Nightmare Mega Drive - Genesis - Action 1993 13
The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare 1993 14.7
The Super Shinobi II Master System - Plates-formes n/c 0
The Third World War Mega-CD - Sega CD - Stratégie n/c 0
The Trolls In Crazyland NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 0
Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends Master System - Educatif n/c 0
Thunderhawk Mega-CD - Sega CD - Simulateur de vol 1993 18
Time Gal Mega-CD - Sega CD - Action 1993 12
Tinhead Master System - Plates-formes n/c 0
Tiny Toon Adventures 2 : Montana's Movie Madness 1993 0
Tiny Toon Adventures 2 : Trouble In Wackyland NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 0
Tiny Toon Adventures : Buster's Hidden Treasure Mega Drive - Genesis - Plates-formes 1993 15.5
Tiny Toons : Buster Busts Loose ! SNES - Plates-formes 1993 16
Titus the Fox 1993 0
Tokuten Oh : Super Sidekicks Neo Geo - Sport n/c 0
Tom and Jerry SNES - Plates-formes 1993 0
Tom and Jerry : The Movie Game Gear - Plates-formes 1993 15
Tom Mason's Dinosaurs For Hire Master System - Plates-formes n/c 0
Tony La Russa Baseball Master System - Sport n/c 0
Top Gear 2 SNES - Course 1993 0
Top Gun : Guts and Glory 1993 0
Top o Nerae ! : GunBuster Vol. 2 PC-Engine CD Rom - Aventure 1993 0
Top Pro Golf 2 Master System - Sport n/c 0
Top Ranking Tennis 1993 18
Toto World 3 Master System - Plates-formes n/c 0
Towers : Lord Baniff's Deceit 1993 0
Toys Master System - Action n/c 0
Trevor McFur In The Crescent Galaxy Jaguar - Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 4.5
Trip World 1993 0
Triple Score : 3 Games In One Master System - Compilation n/c 0
Trivial Pursuit : Interactive Multimedia Game Mega-CD - Sega CD - Jeu de société n/c 0
Trolls Amiga CD32 - Plates-formes 1993 0
Tsuppari Oozumou : Heisei-han PC-Engine Hu-Card - Sport n/c 0
Tuff E Nuff 1993 0
Turma da Mônica em : O Resgate Master System - Aventure n/c 0
TV Sports : Basketball PC-Engine Hu-Card - Sport n/c 0
TV Sports : Hockey PC-Engine Hu-Card - Sport n/c 0
Two Tribes : Populous II Mega Drive - Genesis - Simulation 1993 0
Ultima : Warriors Of Destiny NES - Famicom - Jeu de Rôle 1993 0
Ultimate Soccer Master System - Sport 1993 0
Ultimate Soccer Master System - Sport 1993 0
Ultimate Soccer Game Gear - Sport 1993 8
Ultraman Master System - Combat n/c 2
Ultraman Club : Supokon Fight ! NES - Famicom - Sport 1993 0
USA Ice Hockey In FC NES - Famicom - Sport 1993 0
Ushio to Tora : Shinen no Daiyou NES - Famicom - Jeu de Rôle 1993 0
Vampire : Master of Darkness Game Gear - Plates-formes n/c 0
Vay : Ryuusei no Yoroi Mega-CD - Sega CD - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Vegas Stakes SNES - Jeu de Hasard 1993 13
Virtual Pinball Master System - Flipper 1993 0
Warau Salesman Mega-CD - Sega CD - Aventure n/c 0
WarpSpeed Master System - Simulateur de vol n/c 0
Wayne's World NES - Famicom - Plates-formes 1993 0
Wayne's World Game Boy - Plates-formes 1993 0
Wayne's World SNES - Plates-formes 1993 0
Wayne's World Master System - Plates-formes n/c 0
Whale's Voyage Amiga CD32 - Jeu de Rôle 1993 0
Wheel Of Fortune Game Gear - Quizz Game 1993 8
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? SNES - Aventure 1993 16
Wily & Right no RockBoard : That's Paradise NES - Famicom - Jeu de société 1993 0
Wimbledon Master System - Sport 1993 0
Wimbledon II Master System - Sport 1993 0
Winds of Thunder PC-Engine CD Rom - Shoot\'em\'Up 1993 0
Wing Commander SNES - Simulation 1993 0
Winning Post Mega-CD - Sega CD - Simulation n/c 0
Winter Olympics : Lillehammer '94 Amiga - Sport 1993 0
Winter Olympics : Lillehammer '94 Mega Drive - Genesis - Sport 1993 17
Wiz 'n' Liz : The Frantic Wabbit Wescue Master System - Action 1993 17
Wizard of the Immortal Master System - Jeu de Rôle n/c 0
Wizardry I . II : Proving Grounds of the Mad Over... PC-Engine CD Rom - Jeu de Rôle 1993 0
Wizkid - The Hit Squad : Platinum Edition Atari ST - Action 1993 0
Wolfchild Master System - Plates-formes 1993 13.7
Wolfchild Mega-CD - Sega CD - Plates-formes 1993 0
Wolfchild Game Gear - Plates-formes 1993 11
Wolfchild Master System - Plates-formes n/c 0
Wonder Boy in Monster World Master System - Aventure 1993 15
Woody Pop : Shinjinrui no Block Kuzugi Game Gear - Casse Briques n/c 0
World Class Rugby SNES - Sport 1993 0
World Heroes SNES - Combat 1993 0
World Heroes 2 Neo Geo - Combat 1993 0
World League Basketball SNES - Sport 1993 0
World Series Baseball Game Gear - Sport n/c 16
World Soccer Amiga - Gestion 1993 0
World Sports Competition PC-Engine Hu-Card - Sport n/c 0
Wrestling Superstars Amstrad-CPC 464 - Sport 1993 0
WWF : King Of The Ring NES - Famicom - Sport 1993 0
WWF King of the Ring 1993 12
WWF Royal Rumble Master System - Sport 1993 0
WWF Super Wrestlemania 1993 0
WWF Wrestle Mania - The Hit Squad Amiga - Sport 1993 0
WWF WrestleMania : Steel Cage Challenge Game Gear - Sport 1993 7
X-Men Mega Drive - Genesis - Plates-formes 1993 0
Yami no Ketsuzoku : Harukanaru Kioku PC-Engine CD Rom - Aventure 1993 0
Yoshi's Safari 1993 0
Yoshi's Cookie NES - Famicom - Puzzle game 1993 13
Ys IV : The Dawn of Ys PC-Engine CD Rom - Jeu de Rôle 1993 0
Yumemi : Yataki no Monogatari Mega-CD - Sega CD - Aventure n/c 0
Yumimi Mix Mega-CD - Sega CD - Aventure n/c 0
Yuu Yuu Hakusho n/c 0
Yuu Yuu Hakusho n/c 0
Yuu Yuu Hakusho - Yami Shoubu !! Ankoku... PC-Engine CD Rom - Combat 1993 0
Yuu Yuu Hakusho : Bakutou Ankoku Bujutsu Kai NES - Famicom - Combat 1993 0
Zelda : The Wand of Gamelon CD-i - Aventure 1993 0
Zen : Intergalactic Ninja 1993 0
Zen : Intergalactic Ninja NES - Famicom - Action 1993 17
Zero 4 Champ II PC-Engine CD Rom - Course 1993 0
Zombies Master System - Action 1993 17
Zombies Ate My Neighbors Master System - Action n/c 0
Zool 1993 0
Zool : Ninja of the "Nth" Dimension Game Boy - Action 1993 0
Zool : Ninja of the ''Nth'' Dimension Amiga CD32 - Plates-formes 1993 0
Zou ! Zou ! Zou ! : Rescue Daisakusen Master System - Plates-formes n/c 0
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74% B
- 32X - 3DO - 3DS - Adventure Vision - Amiga - Amiga CD32 - Amstrad-CPC 464 - Amstrad-CPC 6128 - Apple II - Atari 2600 - Atari 5200 - Atari 7800 - Atari ST - Atari XE - CD-i - Channel F - Colecovision - Commodore 64 - DD64 - Dreamcast - DS - e-Reader - Family Computer Disk System - Game and Watch - Game Boy - Game Boy Advance - Game Boy Color - Game Gear - Game Park 32 - GameCube - Gizmondo - GX-4000 - Intellivision - Jaguar - Jaguar CD - Lynx - Mac - Master System - Mega Drive - Genesis - Mega-CD - Sega CD - MSX - N-Gage - Neo Geo - Neo Geo Pocket - Neo Geo Pocket Color - Neo Geo-CD - NES - Famicom - Nintendo 64 - Odyssey - Odyssey2 - PC - PC-Engine CD Rom - PC-Engine Hu-Card - PC-Engine SuperGrafX - Playstation - Pokemon Mini - PS2 - PS3 - PSP - Saturn - SNES - TI-99 4A - TRS-80 - Vectrex - Videopac - Virtual Boy - Wii - Wonderswan - Wonderswan Color - Xbox - Xbox 360